Spårning av fekal förorening med hjälp av mikroorganismer / Microbial source-tracking of faecal pollution
During heavy rainfall and combined sewer overflow events, a lot of pathogenic microorganisms are released into our waterbodies. To be able to calculate the health risks properly, it is important to know the source of the contamination. While zoonoses such as Campylobacter, Cryptosporidium and enterohaemmorragic E. coli (EHEC) can be spread from animals to humans, […]
Individuell mätning av vatten – om hushållens respons och praktikerns överväganden / Individual metering and volumetric billing of water – about household response and practictioner’s considerations
We analysed household water consumption and -expense in a multi-residential area with and without individual metering and volumetric billing using statistical and qualitative methods. On aggregate, households consumed less hot and cold water with individual metering and volumetric billing than before, but in general there were no sweeping routine changes. High-consuming households decreased consumption the […]
Avloppets växtnäring till jordbruket i ett livscykelperspektiv / Plant nutrients in sewage to agriculture in a life cycle perspective
Recycling of the plant nutrients in sewage to productive land is a long-term goal set up by the Swedish society. In particular, recycling of phosphorus is considered important. To highlight recycling system from an agricultural perspective, a doctoral project was initiated with the objective to analyse environmental and resource aspects forsystems recycling wastewater nutrients to […]
Dricksvattenberedning av ytvatten: aktuella frågeställningar / Surface water treatment: current issues
Waterworks in Sweden that apply conventional surface water treatment are facing several challenges, including changes in raw water quality and demands for improved particle removal. Studies were conducted to evaluate conventional treatment and alternative process combinations with ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, and biologicalpre-filtration. In pilot-scale experiments, the removal of natural organic matter (NOM), particles, taste and odour […]
Reduced energy consumption and improved nitrogen removal by using more effective aeration
In this study, an aeration volume control strategy for an activated sludge process is evaluated in a pilot plant at Hammarby Sjöstad in Stockholm, Sweden. The main idea has been to let the DO concentration in some of the aerated compartments be determined by the DO concentration in other compartments. In this way only sensors […]
Phosphorus recovery by use of sludge fractionation
In working towards a sustainable society, recycling and recovery of products together with handling of scarce resources must be considered. The growing quantities of sludge from wastewater treatment plants and the increasingly stringent restrictions on landfilling and on agricultural use of sludge are promoting other disposal alternatives. Sludge fractionation, providing sludge volume reduction, product recovery […]
sewsys – ett verktyg för att bestämma källor till dagvattenföroreningar och pröva olika åtgärder / SEWSYS – a tool for analysis of stormwater pollution sources and evaluation of abatement strategies
Stormwater is known to be a potentially large contributor of toxic substances to receiving waters. To be able to model scenarios related to abatement strategies and quality source control, i.e. reducing the pollutants at the source, a substance flow modelling tool has been developed. The computer model is called SEWSYS and themodelling framework incorporates generation […]
Wastewater treatment with microalgae – a literature review
Microalgae can be used for tertiary treatment of wastewater due to their capacity to assimilate nutrients. The pH increase which is mediated by the growing algae also induces phosphorus precipitation and ammonia stripping to the air, and may in addition act disinfecting on the wastewater. Domestic wastewater is ideal for algal growth since it contains […]
Forskningsprogrammet Urban Water – resultat, tillämpningar och Fortsatt Utveckling / The research programme Urban Water – results, implementation and Further Development
The Urban Water programme (www.urbanwater.org) has been a long-term integrated research programme including senior researchers and PhD students from 9 Swedish universities.The central question was whether future sustainable water and wastewater systems will be improved versions of today’s, or if there would be radical changes. The programme aimed to develop a “toolbox” for strategic planning. […]
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