Extreme value analysis of wave runup and dune erosion at Ängelholm beach, south Sweden / Extremvärdesanalys av våguppspolning och dynerosion vid Ängelholms strand
This study employs extreme value analysis to estimate 10-, 50-, and 100-year return levels of wave runup and annual dune erosion on the basis of 40 years simulated data from Angelholm Beach, Sweden. The offshore wave climate is computed with the SMB-formulations and propagated nearshore with the SWAN wave model. The runup is computed with […]
Vattnets roll i Tchads jordbruksproduktion – metoder för förbättrad analys av jordbruksförändring / The role of water in crop production in Chad – methods for improved analysis of agricultural change
Agriculture constitutes the largest economic sector and professional occupation in Chad, and is undergoing rapid changes due to processes of population increase, institutional reforms, conflicts in neighbouring countries, increasingly globalized trade networks, and environmental changes. But despite their importance for livelihoods and economic growth, the specific patterns and drivers of change in the agricultural sector […]
Utvärdering av filtermaterial för att avlägsna lösta organiska föroreningar i dagvatten / Evaluation of filter materials for the removal of organic contaminants in stormwater
Stormwater is frequently contaminated with organic pollutants such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), phthalates and alkylphenols emitted from traffic and building materials. Filters with adsorbing materials have the potential to remove dissolved, colloidal and particulate organic pollutants from stormwater. The aim of this research project is to investigate how effectively filter materials remove dissolved organic […]
Chemical rehabilitation of rapid sand filter at Klagshamn WWTP in Malmö / Kemisk rekonditionering av sandfilter på Klagshamn ARV i Malmö
At many wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), rapid sand filters are used as polishing step before the wastewater is released to the recipient. Thus, after time, the media gets clogged and the filters are regularly backwashed. In case of poor backwashing, the next filtration cycle will begin with an inefficient filter. Agglomerates of media grains, flocculation […]
Tendenser och trender i tidskriften Vattens artiklar under 75 år /Tendencies and trends in articles published in Vatten – Journal of Water Management and Research during 75 years
The Journal of Water Management and Research (Vatten) celebrates 2019 its 75th anniversary with a special issue, republishing one article per decade from 1940 to 2010. In the present article, we summarize the development of Swedish water research and management based upon the material published in the journal. We read all issues of the journal, […]
Pluviala översvämningar i stort och smått / Pluvial flooding in large and small scale
Urban, pluvial flooding severely effects infrastructure, buildings and urban life during and after extreme rainfall. In this study, spatial analyses of flood claims from insurance companies and the water utility company of Malmö, VA Syd, are used to better understand the mechanisms and characteristics of pluvial flooding. The same data sets are used to analyse […]
Smittspridning från avloppsreningsverk – QMRA som beslutsstöd vid ombyggnation av Arvidstorps reningsverk / Pathogen dispersion from wastewater treatment plants – QMRA as decision support in the renovation of Arvidstorp treatment plant
Source water contamination is a main cause of waterborne disease outbreaks in Sweden and municipal sewage discharges often end up in water sources. At Arvidstorp wastewater treatment plant in Trollhättan, a disc filter has been installed with the primary aim of improving phosphorus reduction. To give permission, the County Administrative Board of Västra Götaland called […]
Årstidsvariationer i sjöar vid klimatförändringar / Seasonal variations in lakes in northern Sweden in a changing climate
Lakes are suitable sentinels of climate change because they constitute a well defined ecosystem and they respond quickly to changes in climate. Many lakes in the northern hemisphere are covered by ice during winter and they are dimictic, which means that the water circulate two times each year. The ice not only prevents gas exchanges […]
Sediment transport and bathymetric change at Honrafjörður tidal inlet / Sedimenttransport och batymetrisk förändring vid Hornafjörðurs tidvatteninlopp
The relatively calm area behind barrier island are favored locations for harbors even though the navigation through the inlet itself can be challenging. Different measures like dredging or coastal structures might be necessary to ensure the desired water depth to maintain a safe navigation. Iceland as an island country depends strongly on reliable navigational routes […]