The necessity for re-thinking the way we plan our cities with the focus on Malmö / Towards urban-planning based urban runoff management
The project is proposed in order to highlight the necessity for developing a climate-robust urban planning. The City Blueprint baseline assessment was chosen to evaluate the sustainability of urban water cycle services (UWCS) of Malmö and compare it with Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Hamburg and Copenhagen as cities which experienced extreme water events in their history. Although […]
Microbiological pollution of the southern Baltic sea from small urban catchments following rain events of different intensities / Mikrobiologiska föroreningar av södra Östersjön från små urbana avrinningsområden vid olika regnintensiteter
The microbiological quality of storm water runoff was monitored at four traffic-related sites in Trelleborg, Sweden to assess how microbiological pollution depends on rain intensity. Flow proportional storm water runoff samples were collected during the initial runoff and analyzed for total coliform bacteria, Escherichia coli, Clostridium perfringens, and intestinal enterococci. Microbiological pollution in storm water […]
Undersökning av kalciumkarbonatförekomsten i vombfältet / occurrence of calcium carbonate in the infiltration area in the water treatment installation Vombverket
In a study of the neutralization capacity and limestone content the artificial recharge area of the Sydvatten waterworks Vombverket in Vomb, Skåne, five samples from different locations in the area was collected, sieved and acidified with hydrochloric acid. The neutralization capacity measured as calcium carbonate content was found to vary in the different sandy soil […]
Föreningen Vatten 70 år – några reflektioner med anledning av dess födelsedag / The Swedish Society for Water celebrates its 70th anniversary – a few reflections
The Swedish Society for Water celebrates its 70th anniversary 2014 and can thus look back on a comprehensive water deed during the years. In the journal Vatten (Water), that took ahead as Water hygiene in the year 1945, a large number of papers, abstracts and notes have been published, which describes this yield. In my […]
ERT och TEM som verktyg för grundvattenundersökningar – jämförande studie i Skåne / ERT and TEM as a tool for groundwater investigations – Comparative study in Skåne, southern Sweden
The study presented in this article addresses geophysical methods that can create 2D and 3D models that reflect the geology. The models can be used as a tool for mapping of groundwater resources. Four profiles, located in Vombsänkan in southeastern Skåne, have been investigated with Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) and Transient Electromagnetic Soundings (TEM). The […]
Testing different rehabilitation options in the drinking water pipeline network in Oslo using DYNAMIC METABOLISM MODEL (DMM) / Utprøving av forskellige rehabiliteringsopsjoner i Oslos drikkevannledningsnettverket ved bruk av den dynamisk-metabolism-modellen (DMM)
This study is being carried out at the behest of Oslo VAV (Vann og Avløpsetaten; Water and Sanitation Utility) personnel, as an additional test with the Dynamic Metabolism Model (DMM) developed at NTNU in Trondheim. It considers rehabilitation of drinking water pipelines as the only intervention in the entire system; and tests for different rehabilitation […]
Planering för ett förändrat klimat – strategi för att hantera stigande havsnivåer i fysisk planering i Ystad, Skåne / Planning for climate change – a strategy to manage sea level rise in spatial planning in Ystad, Scania
Ystad municipality in the south of Sweden is working on an extension of the comprehensive plan for the main city and its surroundings. Ystad is situated on the coast and the effects of climate change are expected to be challenging in the future. Sea level rise will increase the risk of flooding and erosion in […]
Sediment transport and coastal evolution at Thuan An Inlet, Vietnam / Sedimenttransport och kustutveckling vid Thuan An-inloppet, Vietnam
The Tam Giang-Cau Hai lagoon in Vietnam has two inlets and outside one of them, the Thuan An inlet, a groin was constructed in 2008 to reduce sediment transport and prevent the inlet from closing. This groin has caused erosion and accretion of sediment on the adjacent coastline. The objectives of this study were to […]