Storm-water management in Malmö and Copenhagen with regard to climate change scenarios / Dagvattenhantering i Malmö och Köpenhamn med avseende på klimatförändringsscenario
The current status of storm-water management in the neighbor cities of Copenhagen and Malmö was studied with respect to present measures and the implemented systems in both cities. Application of blue-green solutions in the outer parts of Malmö started in the 1990s; hence collaboration between different departments in the municipality is more structured in the […]
Spatial variability of soil water content and salinity in a semi-arid agricultural field / Rumslig variabilitet av markvattenhalt och salinitet i ett semiaritt fält
One technique for collecting rainwater and prevent soil erosion applied on large areas in Tunisia involves the use of soil ridges (1-1.5 m high). These contour ridges are constructed parallel to topographical isolines. The effects of the contour ridges on the soil water content distribution, bulk soil salinity ECa, and soil water salinity (ECw) were […]
Suggestions for Designing and Constructing Bioretention Cells for a Nordic Climate / Forslag til dimensjonering og utforming av regnbed for nordiske forhold
Bioretention cells (also referred to as raingardens or biofilters) are constructed as shallow vegetated depressions and are generally considered a flexible practice for local stormwater management. Runoff is retained at the cell surface before it percolates to the ground or is conveyed to the stormwater system. Flood risk is reduced via retention and volume reduction […]
Finns det samband mellan brunifieringen av våra vatten och skogsbeståndet? / Is there a connection between brownification and standing volume of wood?
Brownification of water makes it harder to produce a high quality tap water. The humic content gives water a foul taste and fertilizes bacteria in the pipes. Most people are unanimous in that the brown colour in the surface water originates in the forest. But there are several understandings as to the reason why the […]
Utvärdering av dagvattensystemets hållbarhet i Augustenborg, Malmö / Evaluation of a sustainable urban drainage system in Augustenborg, Malmö
Sustainable management of stormwater in urban environments can result in economic gains for the society. However, there are only a few studies made on the evaluation of social and environmental impacts of a sustainable urban drainage system. In the present work, a subjective method has been developed for evaluating the sustainability of elements from a […]
Dew Water Harvest Experiment in a Semi-arid Environment, China / Vattenutvinning från dimma, ett experiment i semiarid miljö, Kina
Fog collection by man-made collectors has been proved to be a non-conventional source of water. Applications exist in many countries where conventional methods cannot provide an adequate supply of water. Alternative ways of gathering water in arid and semi-arid environments have always meant a challenge for dwellers of those areas. Recently, fog-water harvest is becoming […]
Dagvattenhanteringens effekter på förutsättningarna för biologisk mångfald av kransalger i Lillsjön, Jämtland / Urban stormwater management and its implications for biodiversity of Chara species – an example from Northern Sweden
Release and load of urban stormwater can affect biodiversity in recipients in both a short and long term perspective. For shallow lakes where natural shifts can occur between clear water and turbid water states due to asymmetric competition between different groups of algae, the role of urban stormwater load over the long term is of […]
The role of springs in the history of Sweden / Källornas roll under historiens gång i Sverige
Springs have always been used for water supply. The first settlements from the Stone Age were often located close to springs as well as many farms and crofts later on in the forests and highlands. Several of the growing towns and villages from the Middle Ages were supplied by water from springs. Spring cults were […]