På besök i vattenbristens Los Angeles
I november 2023 fick jag tack vare Xylem-priset chansen att besöka två mycket intressanta vattenanläggningar i Los Angeles-området i Kalifornien i USA: en anläggning i Pico Rivera för återvinning av avloppsvatten, och en anläggning i Torrance för avsaltning av bräckt vatten. Båda dessa anläggningar drivs av the Water Replenishment District of Southern California, som är […]
Walls or the wall, that is the question
A world with multimeter sea level rise is likely to be a world riddled with storm surge barriers. One cannot with certainty tell if or when our world will experience such magnitudes of sea level rise, but we can infer that certain geographical locations offer alternative options to local storm surge barriers. Here, the Baltic […]
Hur blev den kommunala infrastrukturenen offentlig angelägenhet i Sverige? Gator, vatten och sanitet i ett historiskt perspektiv
The first contribution of the book lies in the historical comparison of infrastructural systems that normally are dealt with separately. The synthesis has been achieved mainly by an extensive literature review of research from a wide range of various fields and by using prime sources to some extent. Earlier results have been reinterpreted and research […]
Grönområdens och designregns påverkan påavrinningskoefficienter för dimensionering avdagvattenanläggningar
The effects of green areas on design flow (Qdim) and required flow detention volume (Vd) were studied for different transport times, rain durations and rain intensities. The StormTac Web model was used for the calculations on a 36 ha urban catchment with green areas. Simulated runoff coefficients from different rain intensities and rain durations were […]
Några anmärkningar om jordbruksbevattning med hjälp av avloppsvatten med utgångspunkt från Källby avloppsreningsverk
A historical review of the driving forces behind use of wastewater for irrigation for agriculture in Sweden is presented, starting with a detailed description of the work done at the wastewater treatment plant Käll-by in the city of Lund, south Sweden. Different initiatives have been taken to reduce water shortage in agriculture during the years. […]
PFAS förorening i grundvatten
Aqueuous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) containing Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) is one of the major sources of groundwater contamination in Sweden. Groundwater contamination caused by the use of AFFF in correlation to fire training events was investigated in Kallinge, Sweden. At the site groundwater was previously used as a drinking water source consequently affecting […]
Vilka klimatfaktorer är viktigast? Del 1
Global warming is leading to more extreme short-duration rainfalls, which need to be considered when designing our society. This is commonly performed by using climate factors, representing the estimated future relative increase in short-duration extremes, to upscale design values based on historical observations. The most recent estimation of climate factors for Sweden was done some […]
Snösmältning och avrinning från gröna extensiva tak
Green roofs are a popular way to include nature in an urban environment. How is runoff from green roofs in the cold and snow-covered part of the year, when growth media freeze, plants are dormant and covered with melting snow? This paper investigates 11 years of runoff from three green extensive roofs in Oslo, Norway. […]
Debatt: klimatrelaterad havshöjning: ett problem för Sverige?
Large changes are planned and implemented to meet the negative effects of the global warming forecasted by IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). For example, some municipalities in Sweden have plans for protection walls against future rising sea levels and decisions have also in some cases been taken to build walls. All these measures and […]