Assessment of carrier materials for biofilm formation and denitrification
The capacity for biofilm attachment and activity of 20 low cost materials with little environmental impact (leftovers, byproducts or reusable waste materials) were investigated using two denitrifying biomarker organisms, Comamonas denitrificans 110 and Brachymonas denitrificans B79, and the non-denitrifying strain E. coli K12. The amount of attached biofilm was indirectly measured by analyzing the denitrification […]
Environmental systems analysis of wastewater systems in a river basin – case study Sävjaån
The EU framework directive states that all water bodies within the union should achieve good ecological status 2015. Reducing discharges from on-site wastewater systems is identified as an important means to ameliorate the quality of Swedish waters. This article presents a tool, VeVa River Basin, developed to assess the environmental impact from sewage systems in […]
Drinking Water Using Conventional Iron and Manganese Removal Equipment
The ability of conventional equipment intended for removing Fe and Mn to also remove 222Rn, 226Ra, 234,238U, 210Pb and 210Po from private well water was examined at 12 houses in Finland. The operational principles of the equipment were based on aeration and filtration, ion exchange or manganese greensand filtration. The results indicated that 222Rn removal […]
EFFECTS OF AN ORGANOTIN PVC STABILISER ON ANOXIC DEGRADATION OF ORGANIC MATTER / Effekter av en tennorganisk PVC stabilisator på den syrefria nedbrytningen av organiskt material
Many organotin compounds are toxic, thus their occurrence in the environment is of considerable concern, and several of these substances are regarded as priority pollutants that require further investigation. Organotins are used primarily as heat stabilisers in PVC plastic, and they are therefore found in landfills in which discarded PVC products have been deposited. In […]
VÅTMARKER – NÄRSALTSFÄLLOR OCH/ELLER MYLLRANDE MÅNGFALD? / Wetlands – nutrient sinks and/or biodiversity sources?
This paper summarizes the state-of-the-art with respect to wetlands for nutrient removal and biodiversity enhancement, as expressed at a research workshop in December 2002. In the end of 2002, 260 and 884 wetlands had been constructed in Sweden with subsidies from LIP and the European Union, respectively. Most frequently, the aims were to remove nutrients […]
ETT FLÖDESSCHEMA FÖR INTEGRERAD VATTENFÖRVALTNING OCH OPERATIVT GENOMFÖRANDE AV RAMDIREKTIVET FÖR VATTEN / A flowchart for integrated water management and operative implementation of the Water Framework Directive
Water management, monitoring and regulation, as well as research and education are traditionally fragmented among many different sectors, authorities, and scientific disciplines. We present and describe here a basic methodology for integrated water management, in terms of a concrete flowchart that: (a) is generally applicable to and thereby integrates different types of decision problems, including […]
EXPERIENCES OF CONSTRUCTED WETLANDS FOR THE TREATMENT OF NITROGEN IN LANDFILL LEACHATE / Erfarenheter av konstruerade våtmarker för behandling av kväve i lakvatten
This article reviews the worldwide experiences on possibilities of using constructed wetlands for landfill leachate treatment. On-site ”high-tech” leachate treatment systems are often avoided due to large construction and operating costs. Two questions that are crucial for the success of constructed wetlands in future landfill leachate treatment are addressed—(i) does nitrification/denitrification occur and can it […]
Optimization of coagulation at chemical wastewater treatment plants is becoming more important with the increasing demand for better effluent quality, sustainable utilization of resources and reduced operational cost. Recent advances in on-line instrumentation, modeling technology and computer and telecommunication techniques lead to a possibility in constructing a more robust model for coagulant dosage control based […]
EXCEPTIONAL FLOODS AND WATER QUALITY / Exceptionella översvämningar och vattenkvalitet
Degradation of surface and groundwater quality, caused by spreading of pollutants during exceptional flood events is getting serious concern. The ongoing changes in land use, is leading to a gradual increase of flood prone areas as well as flow volume and velocity. Inundated water breaks loose the surface deposits, soil minerals and transports them downstream […]