CHEMICAL DENITRIFICATION DURING EVAPORATION/DRYING OF LANDFILL LEACHATES / Kemisk denitrifikation vid avdunstning/torkning av lakvatten
A new treatment system has been proposed to remove nitrogen from landfill leachates with the combination of partial nitritation (biological oxidation of ammonium to nitrite) followed by chemical denitrification with oxidation of remaining ammonium with nitrite to nitrogen gas (Nikolic and Hultman, 2003 a). Chemical denitrification is much dependent on high concentrations of ammonium and […]
The university of Oulu, Green Rock Ltd and Kemira Plc carried out a joint research on the suitability of Aqua stone for retaining phosphorus in septic tanks. The research period was from November 7, 2000 to March 28, 2001. There were altogether six research sites in the municipalities of Haukipudas and Kempele in Northern Finland. […]
FOSFORNS VÄXTTILLGÄNGLIGHET OCH DESS EFFEKT PÅ MYKORRHIZA / Phosphorus in soil and its impact on arbuscular mycorrhiza
A pot experiment was performed to study the impact of phosphorus in soil on the development of Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (AM) on ryegrass. The soil used in the experiment was fertilized with different phosphorus fertilizers three years before this experiment. Fertilizer-P (easily soluble calcium phosphate) added as a storage supply (45 kg P/ha) affected AM negatively […]
PLANT AVAILABILITY OF PHOSPHORUS IN ASH, CALCIUM PHOSPHATE AND DIFFERENT TYPES OF SEWAGE SLUDGE / Fosforns växttillgänglighet i olika typer av slam, mineralgödsel samt aska
Different types of phosphorus fertilizer were evaluated in a three-year field experiment with oars and barley in mid-western Sweden. The treatments were, except a control, mineral fertilizer (calcium phosphate): ash; sewage sludge precipitated with iron, aluminium or lime; and biologically treated sewage sludge. To ensure that only the effect of the phosphorus source was evaluated, […]
KONSTEN ATT VÄRDERA VATTEN Ett exempel från Motala Ströms avrinningsområde / On the valuation of water resources A pilot study in the Motala River Basin
According to stipulations in the Water Framework Directive economic analyses of water use in different sectors are required. The aim is to assess the possibilities to reach the targets for water quality by 2015 at reasonable costs, and to develop cost-effective programs for restoration and management that will be part of the management plans in […]
DEN SVENSKA VATTENFÖRSÖRJNINGENS SÄKERHET MOT TERRORISM / Water supply security against terrorism in Sweden
The water supply system in Sweden consists mainly of large waterworks supplying most of the inhabitants with drinking water. This makes it an interesting target for terrorism. Along the water’s way from source to subscriber it passes a lot of dangerous spots where an attack is possible. The biological and chemical threats to the water […]
KÖKSAVFALLSKVARNAR FÖR UTSORTERING AV ORGANISKT HUSHÅLLSAVFALL FÖR RÖTNING OCH JORDBRUKSANVÄNDNING- AVSKILJNINGSSYSTEMET OCH RÖTNINGSPROCESSEN / Kitchen disposers for source-sorting of organic household waste for anaerobic digestion and agricultural reuse – the separation system and the anaerobic digestion process
In the newly built urban area Västra hamnen, in Malmö, Sweden, a new system for source-sorting of organic municipal waste, was constructed. The organic waste is disposed through a kitchen disposer, and is then led into a separate pipe, passes a cutting pump and is separated in a settling tank in the area. The material […]
CHEMICAL DENITRIFICATION OF LANDFILL LEACHATES UNDER FREEZING/THAWING CONDITIONS / Kemisk denitrifikation av lakvatten från deponier vid frysning/upptining
Chemical denitrification has been proposed (Nikolic and Hultman, 2003) as the second part in a new treatment system for landfill leachates, where ammonium or urea is oxidized with nitrite to yield nitrogen gas and water. Concentrated aqueous solutions of ammonium nitrite or urea nitrite are unstable. One of possible methods to concentrate solution and in […]
LOW COST WATER TREATMENT USING NATURAL MATERIALS: A CASE STUDY FOR ASMARA / Kostnadseffektiv vattenrening med hjälp av naturliga material: Tillämpning för Asmara
The high cost of water treatment has rendered provision of good quality water difficult in the developing world. More than 1 billion people are believed to have no access to safe drinking water. Costs of chemicals, filter media and power are the most important parameters that have to be considered in providing affordable treatment. In […]
SWEDISH WATER MANAGEMENT – A COMPARISON OF SOME MUNICIPAL MASTER PLANS AND THE REQUESTS OF THE WATER FRAMEWORK DIRECTIVE / Svensk vattenförvaltning – en jämförelse mellan ett antal översiktsplaner och kraven i EU:s vattendirektiv
A selection of 14 Swedish municipal master plans have been compared with the requirements of future river basin plans, as prescribed in the Water Framework Directive. The municipal master plans can be considered as the main planning documents to provide guidance for decision-making on water use in Sweden. Thus, they represent the long-term plans for […]