FÖRBEHANDLING AV RÅVATTEN MED HÖGA FÄRGTAL I BIOFILTER / Pre-Treatment of Raw-Water with high colour using Biofilters
The effect of fixed media biofilter on the removal of colour was studied in a pilot scale column at the Waterworks in Oskarshamn. The process was applied on a surface raw water with a very high colour content. The results indicated the potential of colour removal and the simultaneous effect on iron and manganese. The […]
COMBINED NITRITATION AND CHEMICAL DENITRIFICATION – A NEW TREATMENT SYSTEM FOR NITROGEN REMOVAL FROM LANDFILL LEACHATES / Kombinerad nitritation och kemisk denitrifikation – ett nytt behandlingssystem for att avlägsna kväve ur lakvatten från deponier
Liquids obtained during handling of solid wastes may contain a high concentration of nitrogen (ten times higher than the nitrogen concentration in municipal wastewater). At the same time these liquids contain too low concentration of biodegradable organic material for nitrogen to be removed by conventional denitrification. This paper proposes a new treatment system for leachates […]
REMOVAL OF HEAVY METALS IN WATER BY PINE BARK / Reduktion av metaller från vatten genom furubarkflis
Metals that are dissolved in storm water can be removed by filtrating water through specially constructed filter systems. Pine bark is an interesting material for this purpose, but it needs further investigations regarding its removal efficiency of metals. This paper presents a laboratory study where pine bark was tested to evaluate its efficiency in reducing […]
KVÄVEMUREN I HELSINGBORG – ERFARENHETER FRÅN ANLÄGGNING, FÄLTMÄTNING OCH LABORATORIEFÖRSÖK / The denitrification wall in Helsingborg – experiences from construction, field experiments and laboratory experiments
This is an evaluation of a new method, the denitrification wall, with the purpose of diminishing nutrient content in drainage water from agriculture land use. The denitrification wall consists of a trench filled with soil mixed with sawdust that intersects the drainage pipes.. The concept was applied in the drainage area of River Råån in […]
FOSFORMODELLER FÖR FISKODLING I SÖTVATTEN / Phosphorus mass balance models for freshwater fish farms
Existing mass balance models for phosphorus were tested for fish farm emissions in eight Northern and Central European lakes. These traditional models overestimated the total phosphorus concentration in these lakes by on average a factor of two. Data from the eight lakes were therefore used to calibrate emission specific models based on the Vollenweider and […]
VATTENSPECIALISTENS ROLL FÖR EN HÅLLBAR UTVECKLING / The water specialist’s role for a sustainable development
Water problems are becoming more and more complex to solve in a sustainable manner. The reason for this is a rather radical change of focus from engineering solutions to a more interdisciplinary hydro-ecological and socioeconomic perspective during the latest decades. At the same time many occurring water problems are changing character from the local to […]
MEASURING OCCURRENCE OF ALGAE WITH DELAYED FLUORESCENCE EXCITATION SPECTROSCOPY / Mätning av algförekomst med fördröjd fluorescensexcitationsspektroskopi
Increased nutrient load often causes algal blooms. An algal bloom lowers the water quality which is a problem in many fresh water catchments. Today, we have too little information about how the nutrient supply influences the algal composition. With a new method (still under development), called ”delayed fluorescence (DF) excitation spectroscopy”, the goal is to […]
PRODUKTIV RENING MED MIKROALGER I KALLT KLIMAT / Productive treatment of wastewater with microalgae in cold climate
This article reports the work done in the doctoral project ”Productive treatment of wastewater in cold climate with microalgae”, and concludes that microalgae may improve wastewater treatment in ponds in cold climate, from a treatment perspective as well as a sustainability perspective. Part of this work has previous been published in the licentiate thesis 2002: […]
AVRINNING FRÅN GRÖNA TAK / Runoff from green roofs
The runoff from an extensive green roof in Malmö was measured over more than a year. The roof, which is 4 m long sloping 2.5 %, is covered by 3-4 cm soil substrate with sedum vegetation. About 10 mm rain is required to generate runoff. The monthly and annual water balance of a green roof […]
Municipal secondary wastewater effluent was applied to plots, 900 m2 each, on a middle-class farming land planted with willows (primarily clones from Salix viminalis} according to the short-rotation energy forestry (SREF) concept in Sweden. Wastewater was applied at rates of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 mm/d, respectively, throughout the growth period (May-October) during […]