HAMMARBY SJÖSTAD – MILJÖFORESTÄLLNINGAR OCH VERKLIGHETER / Hammarby Sjöstad – residents’ environmental perceptions and realities
Residents’ daily routines and the construction of residential buildings are important ingredients in a strive towards a sustainable society. City councils, building companies, and infrastructure service providers develop ways to conserve evergy and water. However, increasingly recognized is the importance of the residents’ willingness to contribute to achieving the environmental goals.Here is presented an interview […]
SAMORDNAD RECIPIENTKONTROLL (SRK) – GÄLLER BÅDE LAND OCH VATTEN / Monitoring programmes for Swedish waste receiving waters is concerned with both land and water
The monitoring programmes for Swedish waste receiving waters are designed according to conditions existing 40-50 years ago. Today there is a strong need to renew these programmes. They don’t include information about changes in primary pollution load, which means that cause and effect can’t be studied. In addition, a lot of unnecessary monitoring is performed […]
FORSKNINGENS BETYDELSE FÖR MILJÖARBETET VID KUST OCH HAV- ERFARENHETER FRAN SUCOZOMA-PROGRAMMET / The importance of science for environmental work on the coast and the sea – experience gained from the SUCOZOMA programme
Research on sustainable management of the coastal zone is motivated by the fierce competition for natural resources between different categories of users along the coast. Knowledge-based management will be able to base its decision-making on information representing the complex nature of the coast. The research carried out in the research programme Sustainable Coastal Zone Management […]
STAD OCH LAND Kretsloppsanpassat avlopp – då, nu och i framtiden / The city and the countryside: Recycling sewage systems – past, present and future
This paper analyses the history of recycling from the mid-19th century to the present ”recycling society”. New chemical and sanitary theories made the recycling idea boom in the 1850s and during the second half of the century major tests were made with closets separating urine and faeces, factories for extracted faeces and sewage systems for […]
During the autumn and winter of 2000/2001, excessive rainfall occurred over large parts of the Lake Vänern drainage basin and caused floods especially in Lake Glafsfjorden. As a consequence, it was decided within the Swedish Regional Climate Modelling Programme (SWECLIM) to produce water resources scenarios for the Lake Vänern region. The scenarios were based on […]
CONSTRAINTS ON SUCCESSFUL IMPLEMENTATION OF THE EU WATER FRAMEWORK DIRECTIVE: A CASE STUDY – LAKE BRUNNSJÖN IN CENTRAL SWEDEN / Hinder att nå framgång med EU:s ramdirektiv för vatten: En fallstudie – Brunnsjön i Mellansverige
A pilot study of local initiatives for a river basin in accordance with the European Water Framework Directive is being carried out in central Sweden. The catchment recipient suffers from eutrophication and Cyanobacteria-charged turbid water. Stakeholder involvement and several measures are proposed to enable the lake to attain a good chemical and ecological status. To […]
GAOBEIDIAN TRAINING CENTER – EN ORGANISATION FÖR UTBILDNING AV DRIFTSPERSONAL VID RENINGSVERK I KINA / Gaobeidian Training Center – an organisation for training of personnel at wastewater treatment plants in China
Only about 6% of the urban population in China is connected to wastewater treatment plants. However, an ambitious plan for increasing this figure exists. A large portion of the existing treatment plants operates at a non-satisfactory efficiency and the reason is inadequate management and lack of operation knowledge and experiences. With a fast increasing number […]
NITRIFIKATIONSHÄMNING I KOMMUNALA AVLOPPSVATTEN – SKILLNADER OCH LIKHETER MELLAN DANMARK OCH SVERIGE / Inhibition of Nitrification in Municipal Wastewater- Differences and Similarities Between Denmark and Sweden
A Danish and a Swedish study of nitrification inhibition are compared. A considerably larger percentage of’ the Danish treatment plants received wastewaters strongly inhibitory to nitrification compared to the Swedish treatment plants. More than 20 % inhibition in a 50% dilution of the samples was noted for about a fourth of the investigated Danish wastewaters. […]
Waste deposits generate polluted water, leachate, which contains metal ions. Leachate is often led to waste water purifying plants. The metals sediment and end up in the digested sludge, which often is taken back to the waste deposit. This results in a negative eco-cycle. Metal ions in solution can be captured by ion-exchangers, but commercially […]
GIARDIA AND CRYPTOSPORIDIUM IN SWEDISH WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANTS / Giardia och Cryptosporidium i svenska avloppsreningsverk
The occurrence of Giardia and Cryptosporidium in Swedish Wastewater treatment Plants (WWTP) has previously not been investigated. Giardia cysts were present in the untreated wastewater at every sampling occasion at all test sites in densities between 24—160 cysts/L, but only twice in the treated wastewater and in lower densities. Cryptosporidium oocysts were detected in 67 […]