INTERNATIONAL SLUDGE MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS AND PRACTICES / Slamhantering i ett internationellt perspektiv
This paper is based on a literature survey concerning current regulations and general practices of sludge use and disposal in the United States, European Union (in particular Sweden) and Chile.Almost all regulations analysed in this paper require relatively similar hygienisation procedures. Besides being based on the hygienisation method applied, some restrictions are related to the […]
STUDIER AV SAMVERKAN MELLAN AVLOPPSVERK OCH LEDNINGSNÄT Del 2. Modelltillämpningar / Integrated Analyses of Sewer Systems and the Wastewater Treatment Plant – Experience from three Swedish Applications Part 2. Applications
Demonstration studies were accomplished in the cities of Helsingborg, Halmstad and Sundsvall as part of the Technology Validation Project (TVP) ”Integrated Wastewater” (1997-2000). All three projects were focused on the analyses of the interaction between the sewer system and the wastewater treatment plant under variable operational conditions, created by the application of real-time control (RTC) […]
STUDIER AV SAMVERKAN MELLAN AVLOPPSVERK OCH LEDNINGSNÄT Del 1. Bakgrund och uppbyggnad av delmodeller / Integrated Analyses of Sewer Systems and the Wastewater Treatment Plant – Experience from three Swedish Applications Part 1. Background and model assumptions
Three Swedish pilot projects have been carried out as part of the Technology- Validation Project (TVP) ”Integrated Wastewater” (1997-2000), supported by the European Commission. The overall objective of the TVP project was to develop and validate an integrated methodological and technological framework for the pollution impact analyses of complete urban Wastewater systems on the receiving […]
MILJÖAVGIFTER I FRANSKT JORDBRUK – AVANCERAD MILJÖPOLITIK MED FÖRHINDER / Environmental charges in French agriculture – advanced environmental policy with obstacles
Pollution of land and water resources from agricultural production have become a major concern inside most member countries of the European Union (EU). This is basically due to concentrations of farm units, specialization and intensification of the production processes. The new EU Water Framework Directive gives possibilities to introduce environmental charges as a measure to […]
STATISTISK BEARBETNING AV REGNSERIER FRÅN MALMÖ 1980-1999 / Statistical treatment of rain series from Malmö 1980-1999
The rain statistics used in designing storm sewers in Malmö today does not include data of the last decades. A new evaluation of rainfall data from the last twenty years in Malmö has been made and new intensity-duration-frequency curves have been created. A comparison with earlier statistics shows large discrepancies. The reason for these is […]
In Finland approximately one third of the total area of lakes is regulated, i.e. 11 000 km2. A large amount of research and development has been conducted on the regulation of watercourses during the last 15 years. Extensive studies have been undertaken in a number of large waterways to assess the ecological, social and economic […]
CHLORINATION OF DRINKING WATER Summary from a workshop funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers
A Nordic specialist workshop based on a report on Chlorination of drinking water was organised to summarise practical experience from the Nordic countries and to discuss the chlorination strategies for the future. The workshop discussed the following questions: 1) Is it possible to optimise the chlorination process with respect to disinfection effect and the formation […]
SÄSONGSLAGRING AV AVLOPPSVATTEN FÖR SKOGSBEVATTNING / Seasonal storage of wastewater for forest irrigation
Waste-water could be used for forest irrigation as a method for utilising the resources in the water. Forest irrigation systems are rare in Sweden; however, there are some examples in both the north and the south of the country. If irrigation is to be used as a whole-year system, storage of the wastewater due to […]
KEMIKALIEFRI VATTENDESINFICERING / Non-chemical water disinfection
The purpose of this project was to develop non-chemical and energy efficient alternatives to chlorination and traditional boiling as drinking-water disinfection methods in emergency situations. The project was started with an investigation of methods in use today and possible alternatives. Two alternative methods that seemed to be promising were chosen – the first method is […]
NUTRIENT LOADING AND REDUCTION FROM SOURCE-LAKE TO SEA / Närsaltbelastning och -reduktion fran källsjö till hav
So far, the processes behind the eutrophication of coastal waters are poorly understood. As a consequence of this, efforts to counteract this phenomenon have failed. In this study, ecological valuations are used, in comparison with nutrient utilization, in different types of lakes and watercourses in parts of the drainage basin of the River Göta älv, […]