SVARTVATTENSYSTEM I HAMMARBY SJÖSTAD? – Systemanalys och förslag på utformning av system / Blackwater treatment system in Hammarby Sjöstad? – System analysis and design
As a part of the environmental programme for Hammarby Sjöstad, a separate system for blackwater and organic household waste has been considered. Four different systems have been compared using a system analysis approach. Design issues considered were source separation of urine, use of vacuum toilers, and advanced nutrient recovery processes such as Reverse Osmosis (RO). […]
EJEKTORLUFTNING AV JÄRNHALTIGT GRUNDVATTEN Del 2. Jämförelser mellan olika fullskaleluftningsmetoder / Ejector aeration of iron containing ground water Part 2. Comparison between different full scale aeration methods
The purpose of ground water aeration is mainly to remove un-wanted gases and impurities as well as improve the oxidation of iron and manganese. In the field tests, the ejector aeration was compared with an INKA- aerator, a membrane-aerator, a droplet-aerator and a cascade-aerator. The different aerators performance as oxygen transfer efficiency [%], aeration efficiency […]
Hydroponic wastewater treatment takes advantage of the nutrient removing capacity of green plants. In addition to the nutrient assimilation, the roots provide a growth substrate for microorganisms involved in the biological treatment processes. However, to maintain year-round performance by the plants, additional energy muse be provided at higher latitudes, even if the hydroponics are situated […]
NEW TREATMENT OF HARD DRINKING WATER – INFLUENCE ON COPPER CONTENT AND ORGANIC MATTER / Ny dricksvattenbehandling – inverkan på kopparutlösning och organiskt material
Hard drinking waters give problems in several respects. The copper content can be > 2 mg/l after stagnation. The use of detergent is increased and discouloration can occur. Uppsala water work has developed a process to decrease the alkalinity and hardness of the water in a way that does not use special chemicals. The process […]
VILKEN ÄR NYTTAN MED ÖRBY INFILTRATIONSVERKSAMHET FOR VÄSTRA SKÅNE? En systemanalys …/ What are the benefits of The Örby recharge activity to the western region of Scania? A system analysis …
The Örby field is located right south of the city Helsingborg in southern Sweden. This field contains inter alia a water recharge activity and housing areas. Municipalities, like Helsingborg, are responsible for ensuring a balance both in the supply of water as well as dwellings. On the Örby field this leads to a conflict of […]
ÖPPEN DAGVATTENAVLEDNING I AUGUSTENBORG / Open stormwater system in Augustenborg
Within urban stormwater management, long based on the principle of draining water as fast as possible from cites, new solutions are now being suggested. These new solutions not only protect against flooding, but also have other purposes such as pollution control and creation of recreational areas. In this paper several structural management practices (BMPs) are […]
Assessment of drinking water treatment using Moringa Oleifera natural coagulant / Värdering av Moringa Oleifera för fällning av dricksvatten
In this study, a comparison between Moringa Oleifera MO and aluminium sulphate was conducted for coagulation of turbide water using jar test. The optimum coagulant dosage was investigated for different levels of turbidity, and the impact on treated water properties monitored. Use of MO together with direct filtration was also investigated. Coagulation with aluminium sulphate […]
Vombsjön – ett ramdirektivprojekt / Vombsjön – a Water Framework Directive project
The Vomb lake is centrally located in the south of Sweden and is an important source for drinking water. Sydvatten AB (water company) delivers drinking water to about 300 000 inhabitants. There is an intensive agricultural activity within the catchment area, where nutrients as well as pesticides are being used. The objective of the project […]
Nitrogen removal efficiency and nitrification rates at the Sequencing Batch Reactor in Nowy Targ, Poland / Kvävereduktion och nitrifikationshastigheter vid SBR-anläggningen i Nowy Targ, Polen
Biological nitrogen removal by the use of Sequencing Batch Reactors (SBR) is today an accepted and well proven model. The Nowy Targ SBR plant has been in operation for 15 years, and comprehensive performance data are available for assessment. This paper focuses on the 2005 year operation, characterised by high organic and nitrogen loading and […]
Nutrient reductions in the Gothenburg waste water treatment plant and their effects on nutrient concentrations and chlorophyll in the estuary of river Göta älv
Response to variations in nutrient inputs to the southern estuary of river Göta älv on the Swedish west-coast is investigated by means of estuarine nutrient and chlorophyll (Chl-a) data from 1990–05. The estuary receives nutrients from the river, and from the Gothenburg Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP). Since 1972, when the WWTP was built, the […]