EU has recently adapted a frame directive for Water. Within three years the present organisation for Water Conservation in Sweden has to be completely restructured. At regional level there will be a number of River Basin Authorities. Agencies for implementation will be organised at local levels and district levels, based on geographically identified river basins. […]
ANVÄNDNING AV VÅTMARKER FÖR KOMMUNALT DAG- OCH AVLOPPSVATTEN Nuläge och framtida trender / Use of wetlands for municipal storm- and waste water. Present state and future trends
To treat water of varying quality, composition and origin in constructed wetlands has attracted increased attention in recent years in Sweden. In agricultural districts this interest has been manifested by the creation of wetlands to prevent nutrient leakage, while in urban areas by the establishment of wetlands/ponds to purify and balance storm water flows, or […]
TVÄRVETENSKAPLIG FORSKNING – VILLKOR FÖR LÖSNING AKVATISKA MILJÖPROBLEM / Transdisciplinary research – solution to persistent problems in the aquatic environment
Transdisciphnary research needed to understand persistent problems in the aquatic environment. An overview of the aquatic environmental problems in Swedish coastal waters over the last decades, shows that eutrophication and fisheries mismanagement are persistant problems which seem to defy attempts to implement a long-term solution. These problems appear with different intensity in time and space […]
GRANULAR IRON REACTIVE BARRIERS FOR THE DEGRADATION OF CHLORINATED SOLVENTS IN GROUNDWATER / Nedbrytning av klorerade lösningsmedel i grundvatten med hjälp av granulärt järn reaktiva barriärer
This paper presents the results of batch and column experiments that investigated the degradation of chlorinated solvents bv zerovalent granular iron. These experiments were designed to produce data essential for the installation of a field-scale permeable reactive barrier at a field site with groundwater contaminated bv perchloroethylene (PCE) and other less chlorinated ethenes. The batch […]
A method for tightness testing of pipelines made from viscoelastic materials obeying the power-law is described. Both theory and experiments show that creep effects will be ”frozen in” during a certain period of time, long enough for measuring the tightness of a pipeline or vessel. The time sequence may be scale up and down as […]
LAKVATTENRENING IDAG OCH IMORGON-TEKNIKÖVERSIKT OCH NÅGON FUNDERING / Landfill leachate treatment today and tomorrow. A technical review and some thoughts
Landfill leachate treatment methods are discussed and their effects are reviewed. The lack of agreement between actual treatment effect and the goals and methods that have been proposed by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency are elucidated. The knowledge of what the recipient that is exposed for land-fill leachate actually can stand is argued as the […]
VÅTMARK OXELÖSUND -RESULTAT OCH ERFARENHETER FRAN SEX ÅRS DRIFT / Wetland Oxelösund – the first six years of operation
Wetland Oxelösund was established in 1993 to remove nitrogen from wastewater before discharge to the Sea. Since it was the first full-scale wetland for nitrogen removal in pre-treated municipal wastewater in Scandinavia, an elaborate monitoring program was tied to the operation of the wetland. The basic monitoring was primarily aimed at mass-balance calculations to estimate […]
När avloppet blev ideologi Diskussionen om spillvattenlösningar i Skurups kommun 1970–1982 / When sewerage was ideology Discussion of wastewater treatment localization in the municipality of Skurup 1970–1982
Local politics can be complicated. However, the construction of a wastewater treatment plant is very seldom a topic for disputes. But in the case of Skurup municipality, Sweden, it grew to become an issue that took 12 years to settle. The local council discussed whether the sewerage water should be treated in a new plant […]