Infiltration av lakvatten från specialceller i bioceller / Infiltration of leachate from special cells into biocells
To what extent can infiltration be carried out and which volume can be infiltrated? At the landfill Spillepeng of SYSAV, Malmö, infiltration of leachate has been practiced as a treatment method since 2001. A number of chemical parameters for infiltrating leachate and infiltrated leachate at the landfill Spillepeng have been investigated. Further on, a chemical-hydraulical […]
Wastewater treatment Systems and the Implementation of constructed Wetlands in Atitlán Lake Basin, Guatemala
High population growth and an augmented tourist industry in the Atitlán basin have lead to increases in the amount of wastewater discharged into the lake. The polluted wastewater has a negative effect on the lake’s and streams’ ecosystem in the basin. Drinking water that is taken from the lake or the streams is highly polluted […]
Extrema dygnsregn och trender i Skåne och på Västkusten / Extreme daily rainfall and trends in Skåne and the west coast
Series of daily precipitation including 89 years from Malmö, Halmstad and Göteborg have been analyzed as well as daily precipitation from 230 stations in Skåne in the period 1961–1990. The distribution in space and time has been investigated, and also the relation between daily rainfall and different parameters. The most extremeindependent events have occurred rather […]
DATORSTÖD INOM VA-SEKTORN I SVERIGE – HISTORIK MED KRITISKA ÖGON / IT-solutions for water supply and sewage networks in Sweden – A critical flashback
The new world of IT looks like a very fast stream of ever more fantastic ideas and tools. The focus is entirely on the future. In the fields of water supply and sewage systems we use IT-solutions in order to make our daily work more efficient and comfortable. More ore less we have done so […]
PHOSPHORUS AVAILABLE FOR PLANT UPTAKE IN SEWAGE SLUDGE – A LITERATURE SURVEY / Växttillgänglig fosfor i avloppsslam – en litteraturstudie
Re-use options for sewage sludge are being developed since the disposal of sludge is becoming an increasing problem. The spreading of sewage sludge on agricultural fields as a phosphorus (P) fertiliser is one such option given that it fulfils the requirements for limitation values for metals/toxic substances. The plant availability of P in sludge has […]
EXPERIMENTELL STUDIE AY FLÖDESSTRUKTUREN I FLOTATION OCH PÅVERKAN AV LUFTINNEHÅLL,| HYDRAULISK BELASTNING OCH KONTAKTZONSGEOMETRI / Experimental study on the flow structure in Dissolved Air Flotation and the influence of air content, hydraulic loading and contact zone geometry
Research on flow dynamics is believed to open ways for increasing the capacity of the Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) process in water and wastewater treatment. The paper describes a study on the flow dynamics at Lund Institute of Technology in Sweden. By using an Acoustical Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) flow structures were determined in a pilot […]
SYSTEMATISK BESLUTSPROCESS FÖR ETT EKOLOGISKT, SOCIALT OCH EKONOMISKT HÅLLBART VATTENAVRINNINGSOMRÅDE / Systematic decision support: Achieving ecological, social and economic sustainability in a catchment area
Water quality improvements for catchment areas are optimal if they take into account local variation in geophysic, hydrologic and economic conditions. A model is developed which uses a series of matrices to describe local variation with respect to ecological and socio-economic variables. This model may be used by catchment based interest groups to evaluate and […]
BIOLOGISK RENINGSANLÄGGNING FÖR LAKVATTEN FRÅN DEPONI / Biological treatment plant for leachate from landfill
A treatment plant for landfill leachate was created in 1997 in connection to Gärstad waste treatment plant near the town of Linköping, Östergötland, Sweden. The treatment plant consists of one aerated outlevelling basin (former clay pit) and three constructed ponds. The ponds are 0.3 m in the first half (to keep oxygen in the water) […]
SAMORDNAD RECIPIENTKONTROLL – BEHOV AV FÖRNYELSE / Monitoring programmes for Swedish waste receiving waters – a need of renewal
The quality of waste receiving waters is in Sweden monitored on catchment basis to gain knowledge for decisions on water protection measures. The results are presented in annual reports. Questions have been raised regarding the effectiveness of this monitoring. Therefore, 25 reports covering different types of catchments have been evaluated (mainly the chemical parts). Issues […]
The technical knowledge on how to improve the water quality in eutrophicated waters is relatively well known, whereas the tools available for society to manage and sustain reasonable water quality are less developed. We suggest that instead of viewing freshwater systems as problems, they should be viewed as resources possible to make use of in […]