STORMWATER-GIS A GIS planning tool for stormwater best management practices
VBB VIAK has developed a useful planning tool for stormwater management. It is presented in a GIS format with links to spreadsheet models in Excel and/or databases in Access. RunofFwater flows and pollutant loads are calculated in the watershed management model Stormtac. Data from Stormtac, together wkh exisung measurements and sampling data, are exported into […]
BIVALVE SHELLS AS ARCHIVES FOR CHANGES IN WATER ENVIRONMENT / Musselskal som arkiv för förändringar i vattenmiljön
Bivalves were used as environmental biomonitors by studying the growth rate and the structure of their shells, as well as by analysing elemental distribution in the shells. Information about water chemistry, temperature and pH, precipitarion, food supply and other environmental paramerers are stored in the bivalve shells. To be able to disclose the environmenral archives […]
ON THE MANAGEMENT OF NITROGEN FLOWS: Towards a decentralisation of environmental management in Sweden?
During the past century human activides have at least doubled the rate ofnitrogen fixation in the global landbased nitrogen cycle. Besides being beneficial to human societal development, this has many deleterious consequences for the environment. As part ofthe responses to the call for world-wide acrion on the problems with nitrogen, this paper focuses on the […]
VATTENPROBLEM I LUND OCH VÄRLDEN Teknisk vattenresurslära, LTH, åren 1966-1988 / Water Problems in Lund and in the World Department of Water Resources Engineering 1966-1988
The activities at the Department of Water Resources Engineering (previously the Department of Hydraulics) from 1966-1988 was characterized by a socially a ware attitude to water issues. There were obvious reasons for such an approach. The department launched its activties in the midst of global concerns for the lack of adequate water resources to meet […]
VATTENFÖRVALTNING I AVRINNINGSOMRÅDEN MÖJLIGHETER OCH LÖSNINGAR I OLIKA LÄNDER / Water Management in River Basins Possibilities and Solutions in Different Countries
Historically people and institutional actors have always joined together to manage water problems in a situation of water scarcity. Examples of river basin administrations in China, Germany, England and Wales and France are given in this paper. It is noted that the French water management system has become the model for the EU Commission Proposal […]
Available observations are often not suffcient as a basis for decision making in water management. Conceptual runoff models are frequently used as tools for a wide range of tasks to compensare the lack of measurements, e.g. to extend runoff series, compare design floods and predict the leakage of nutrients or the effects of a climatic […]
BIOLOGISK AVLOPPSRENING En utredning om kvävereducering i avloppsvatten / Biological Wastewater Treatment An investigation of nitrogen reduction methods
The eutrophication of the Balric Sea has resulted in a decision in the Swedish Parliament that every wastewater treatment plant on the Baltic coast with more than 2000 customers has to have a nitrogen reduction system. This investigation compares the three methods for nitrogen reduction, that are in full use in Sweden: constructed wetlands, fluidized […]
The governing processes involved in both urban and rural hydrology are the same, but the climatic and surface conditions in the urban environment are different, hence, snowmelt and runofFgeneration also differ. However, snowmelt is a neglected part of urban hydrology. Indeed, urban runoffmodels and drainage systems have been developed for rainfall events. This paper discusses […]
This paper is based on several studies on the long-term development of water and sanitation services in Finland and presents the evolution of domestic wastewater treatment in Finland in the 20th century. It shows that the first phase of wastewater treatment development took almost 60 years; thereafter the systems expanded rapidly over two decades to […]
SMÅ AVLOPP FÖR KRETSLOPP – SORPTION TILL REAKTIVA FILTER / Small-scale wastewater cycling – sorption to reactive filter media
Reactive filter material, sorbents, can be used to remove phosphorus (P) from wastewater through sorption processes. The technique implies that the wastewater pass a fdter that is incorporated in a soil bed or a constructed wetland. When P-saturation is achieved, the sorbent can be recycled to agriculture, since the sorbed phosphorus is available for plant […]