DRYING AS A URINE DEWATERING METHOD / Torkning som metod för att avvattna urin
One strategy to increase the amount of nutrients recycled is to handle urine separately and use it as a fertiliser. However, an extended use of urine separation toilets will result in considerable volumes to be handled. The amount of urine solution could be reduced by using drying techniques. However, the possibilities of dewatering urine by […]
NY TEKNIK FOR BESTÄMNING AV SPÅRMETALLER I BRACK- OCH HAVSVATTEN / A new technique for the determination of trace metals in brackish and sea water
Trace metal concentrations in brackish and sea water can be determined by ICP-SMS (inductively coupled plasma sector mass spectrometry) with no pretreatment other than acidification and dilution. This is possible because of i) very low instrumental detection limits, and ii) the elimination of most of the spectral interferences caused by the salts. These interferences make […]
SYSTEM AQUA – ETT INSTRUMENT FÖR NATURVÄRDERING AV SJÖAR OCH VATTENDRAG / System Aqua – an assessment tool for nature conservation
System Aqua has been designed to meet the growing need for an objective, reproducible and comprehensive tool for assessing the conservation value of Swedish lakes and watercourses as well as for identifying waterbodies worth rehabilitation. The system may be used to provide an integrated assessment of whole catchments together with their component waters. Emphasis in […]
NITREDOX VATTENRENINGSMETOD med fallstudie från Österrike / NITREDOX in situ treatment plant, case study from Bisamberg
In Austria as well as in most countries pollution of different kind has become more and more severe. This paper is about nitrate polluted groundwater 30 km north of Vienna and how to reduce the content of nitrate in situ. The denitrification method is according to the NITREDOX method. The content of the nitrate is […]
THE USE OF GLEAMS MODEL TO PREDICT PHOSPHORUS LOSSES FROM DRAINED CLAY SOILS / Användning av GLEAMSmodellen för att förutse fosforförluster från dränerade lerjordar
Consideration of the impact of preferential flow is important for accurate predictions of phosphorus (P) losses for structured soils. The possibilities for adapting the GLEAMS model to preferential flow were investigated for two tile-drained structured clay soils, one in south-west Sweden and the other in central Sweden The results indicated that GLEAMS was capable of […]
There is a growing need and demand for the removal of nutrients from the wastewater of isolated households and small rural communities; ecological engineering through natural and constructed wetland systems shows promise in meeting stringent wastewater treatment criteria. Wetlands constructed with different hydraulic designs have shown a range of nutrient removal efficiencies. Vertical stratification has […]
VATTENEXPORT I STOR SKALA FRÅN SVERIGE OCH FINLAND / Water export on large scale from Sweden and Finland
Scientists at the Royal Institute of Technology and members of the Swedish Water Environmental Council have completed a pre-investigation concerning the conditions for export of water on a large scale from Sweden and Finland. Different aspects associated with water export were studied within the frame of the pre-investigation. They involve global and regional needs of […]
EMÅPROJEKTET- PILOTPROJEKT FOR LÅNGSIKTIGT HÅLLBAR SAMHÄLLSUTVECKLING I ETT AVRINNINGSOMRÅDE / The River Emå Project – a pilot project for a sustainable development of a river basin
The River Emån is the largest watercourse in the south-eastern part of Sweden and it’s also one of Sweden’s most valuable rivers, both the river and parts of its surroundings, being classified as of National importance for nature conservation and cultural history. The catchment area of the river however is affected by a number of […]
JÄRNKLORID SOM KOAGULANT VID DRICKSVATTENFRAMSTÄLLNING – ETT PILOTFÖRSÖK VID LOVÖ VATTENVERK / Ferric chloride coagulation in drinking water treatment – a pilot plant study at Lovö waterworks
Stockholm Water Company operates two waterworks, Norsborg och Lovö. Both treat raw water taken from Lake Mälaren with the following process: coagulation with aluminium sulphate, sedimentation, rapid sand filtration, slow sand filtration and desinfection with chloroamine. A pilot plant scale test was performed at Lovo waterworks during spring 1996. The main objective with the study […]
ÖVERGÖDNINGENS OCH METALLUTSLÄPPENS PÅVERKAN PÅ MAKROALGERNA GRÖNSLICK [CLADOPHORA GLOMERATA) OCH ULLSLEKE [CERAMIUM TENUICORNE) / The influence of eutrophication and metal contamination on the seaweeds Cladophora glomerata and Ceranium tenuicorne
The changes in the state of equilibrium between the two common Baltic sea-algae Cladophora glomerata and Ceramium tenuicorne as a result ofeutrofication and the discharge of metals has been studied. The results show that C. glomerata is more capable than C. tenuicorne to utilize an enhanced content of nutritive substances for growth. C. glomerata shows […]