Perspectives and aspects on what we call sustainability, especially with respect to a demand for a compact wastewater treatment plant configuration
The concept” Sustainability” has become an indeed demanding metaphor within society. However, without a deeper understanding and more accurate use of the word it may very well, by and by, become obsolete. In this paper the question is focused on the development of wastewater treatment. Some “curial” demands on a more specific approach to sustainability […]
Effektbaserade analysmetoder för övervakning av kemiska föroreningar i dricksvatten
Chemical contamination of drinking water is of great concern for public health. Chemical analyses are used for monitoring of selected chemicals, however no information on potential toxicity of the mixture of chemicals in a water sample is obtained. Effect-based methods are new tools to evaluate the hazard of the whole mixture of chemicals present in […]
The use of gravity aerators for the prevention of hydrogen sulphide problems in sewer systems
Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) causes odours and concrete corrosion even in very small concentrations. Con-crete corrosion of 5 cm in 5 years has been observed when the hydrogen sulphide content has been 20 ppm. Unavoidable hydrogen sulphide formation in pressure sewers begins when wastewater is put under anaerobic conditions. Anaerobic conditions begin after 0.5 – 2 […]
Mathematical analysis of nonstationary processes of infiltration into unsaturated soil
Theoretical studies of the movement of moisture in an unsaturated zone are associated with the analysis of the Richards equations. The corresponding mathematical problems are designed to answer practical questions related to the replenishment of groundwater reserves, the degree of their protection from pollution coming from the surface, and the needs of agriculture. The value […]
Sanning och konsekvens för svenska vattenledningar
This work kick-starts AI (artificial intelligence) for pipe management among Swedish water utilities. The current work with pipe management is mainly reactive; leaks are repaired after they are detected, sometimes with large costs if the leakage is extensive and critical. With this article, we want to focus on proactive pipe network management and discuss risk […]
UV-LED technology: the future of safe and sustainable water disinfection
UV-LED technology is a modern method to safeguard drinking water by disinfecting water with UV-pho-tons generated in a light emitting diode (LED). The technology has received increasingly higher attention due to its capacity to generate UV-light without use of mercury with a number of additional benefits compared to traditional UV-lamps. UV-LED’s are fast, operated digitally, […]
Prolonged impact of closed municipal solid waste landfills on groundwater
The article analyzes the observations of the impact of preserved landfills on the hydrosphere (ground-, surface water, and filtrate) of adjacent territories in the countries of Northern Europe and the Russian Federation. The behaviour of more than 80 components over a long time was analyzed. Graphs of changes in the most representative of them are […]
Evaluating GIS based water budget components applicability and availability for the Lagan River catchment
Using open-access data sets on water and soil from Swedish authorities and compiling them in a QGIS-programme made it possible to present and visualise the water budget of the Lagan River Catchment. Based on the estimations of the water volume in groundwater reservoirs and lakes the total maximum available volume in the Lagan River Catchment […]
Exploring flow cytometry for monitoring of microbial water quality during maintenance of drinking water pipes
Faster methods of analysing microbiological quality of drinking water after pipe breaks or new pipe installations could have beneficial implications. In this article, a summary is presented of the findings in a recent master thesis about how flow cytometry and cultivation-based techniques can be used to monitor water quality in connection to maintenance works, and […]