TOXINPRODUKTION VID BLOMNING AV BLÅGRÖNA ALGER (CYANOBAKTERIER) / Toxin Production in Blooms of Blue-Green Algae (Cyanobacteria)
The blue-green algal species, Anabaena, Aphanizomenon, Microcystis and Planktothrix, that usually dominates algal blooms, are the same species that produce neuroroxin and/or livertoxin. Furthermore, production of lipopolysacharide endotoxin by blue-green algae has been reported. The ecological significance of blue-green algal toxinproduction is unknown. Protection against phytoplankton consuming zooplankton or chemical warfare (in the competition for […]
ESTIMERING AV ANDELEN PARTIKULÄRT INERT ORGANISKT MATERIAL I AVLOPPSVATTEN / Estimation of the Fraction Unbiodegradable Particulate Organic Material in Wastewater
The goal of this investigation was to determine a value for the fraction of unbiodegradable particulate oganic material in the influent wastewater at the Sjölunda WWTP. The method selected for this purpose was to operate rwo identical laboratory scale units as aerobic fill and draw activated sludge sysrems. This in order to generate data that […]
ÖRESUNDSVERKET – INFLÖDET / Öresundsverket – the Inflow
Ever since the reconstruction of Öresundsverket in Helsingborg was finished in the beginning of 1992 an extensive and regular sampling from the inflow has been carried out. This work has increased the understanding of what variations affecting the outcome of the waste water treatment. The aim of this article is to how how the characterization […]
This paper presents some of the results of a statistical smdy on reported bursts of water pipes in five swedish cities. The study is a part of a continuing project called PUFF, with the objective to develop guidelines for long-term maintenance and renewal of water and sewer pipe systems. The work was carried out by […]
ALTERNATIVA METODER FÖR ATT LÖSA PROBLEMET MED ROTINTRÄNGNING I AVLOPPSLEDNINGARNA / Alternative Methods to Avoid Operational and Maintenance Problems with Tree Roots in Storm Water and Sewer Pipes
Tree roots entering sewer pipes is an expensive problem which can lead to serious conflicts of interest beween arborist and sewer companies. A substantial amount of money is spent each year on different meaures to remove the roots after they have grown into pipes. The most frequently used methods to prevent root penetration are designed […]
FÖRORENINGSHOTEN MOT BOTTNISKAVIKEN Pollution Threats to the Gulf of Bothnia
The largest point emissions of heavy metals and persistent organic substances in the land area surrounding the Gulf of Bothnia have now been virtually eliminated. Despite this, the environment in this region is not approaching a preindustrial state.Like other regions, the Gulf of Bothnia region is affected by long-range atmospheric transport of persistent organic substances. […]
OMSÄTTNING AV NÄRSALTER I BOTTNISKA VIKEN 1991 / Nutrient Dynamics in the Gulf of Bothnia, 1991
Based on the intensive hydrochemical measurements during the Gulf of Bochnia Year 1991, we present descriptions of the regional variations of freshwater and nutrient inputs and hydrographic and nutrient conditions in the basins for this particular year. These data are then used to construct budgets of silicate, inorganic and organic nitrogen and phosphorus for the […]
BOTTNISKAVIKENS EKOLOGI: NÄRINGSVÄVSSTRUKTUR, MATERIALFLÖDEN OCH TRENDER / Food Web Structure, Carbon Flow and Trends in the Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Sea
The reason(s) to the marked ecological differences berween the Bothnian Bay and Bothnian Sea, and the potential coupling to their different biogeochemistry, is unclear. Lack of simultaneous estimates of ecological parameters with sufficient spatiotemporal sampling frequency in the off-shore environment hampers the understanding of the marine food web in the Gulf of Bothnia. To improve […]
FYSISK MILJÖ I BOTTNISKA VIKEN / The Physical Environment of the Gulf of Bothnia
The Gulf of Bothnia makes about 29 % of the whole water volume of the Baltic Sea. The water exchange between the Baltic Proper and the Gulf is good, which results in a water renewal time of only about 4 to 5 years. This is one of the reasons why there is no lack of […]
ORGANISATIONER FÖR SAMORDNAD MARK- OCH VATTENFÖRVALTNING / River Basin Entities for Integrated Water Management in Sweden
The paper summarizes a research investigarion of 51 river basin entities in Sweden. These entities cover about 2/3 of the total land area. A questionnaire was sent to the entities. The member circle is multifold, but the most common combination is composed of representatives from local municipalities, industries and a few authorities. The questionnaire reveals […]