ANVÄNDNING AV SYRGAS FÖR FÖRBÄTTRAD NITRIFIKATION VID KALLA TEMPERATURER Fullskaleförsök vid Slottshagens reningsverk i Norrköping vintern 1991-92 / The Use of Oxygen Gas for Improved Nitrification at Low Temperatures Full scale experiments at Slottshagen WWTP in Norrköping during the winter 1991-92
From February to April in 1992, oxygen gas was introduced in one of six aeration basins at the Slottshagen waste water treatment plant in Norrköping, Sweden. During this period the nitrification activity is usually very low and the oxygen levels in a large part of the aeration basins are below 1 mg/l. As oxygen was […]
BIOLOGISK KVÄVE- OCH FOSFORAVSKILJNING UNDER TVÅ ÅRS DRIFT I FULL SKALA VID SÄRDALS AVLOPPSRENINGSVERK / Biological Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal during Two Years of Full Scale Operation at Särdals Wastewater Treatment Plant
In the wastewater plant at Särdal a biological treatment of phosphorus and nitrogen has been working successfully since 1990. At optimal conditions in spring and autumn of 1991 and 1992 the discharges were 0.3 mg/l of phosphorus and 6 mg/l of nitrogen. The removal of phosphorus was 93 % and of nitrogen 78 %. Summer […]
FISKDÖD ORSAKAD AV PRYMNESIUM PARVUM, Fish Mortality Caused by Prymnesium parvum
A bloom of Prymnesium parvum Carter (Prymnesiophyceae) caused a considerable fish death in the Bay of Holminge, ca 12 km NO Stockholm, Sweden, during May and June 1991. The bay is a shallow coastal lake, influenced by brackish water from the Baltic Sea (Kyrkfjärden). During spring 1992 Prymnesium also invaded the Kyrkfjärden area. A maximum […]
Mechanical and biological wastewater treatment was evaluated in a full scale test during the 1991-92 Wasa base expedition period. The base was erected on a nunatakk in the Norwegian Antarctic sector and housed 10-20 people. The results indicated that wastewater organics were reduced by a total of 70 %. Small changes in other constituents were […]
Natural humic water was treated with simulated sunlight (310-800 nm) and the effects on some chemical parameters and the molecular size distribution of the dissolved organic matter were recorded. The dissolved organic carbon content, the light absorbance (254 nm), and the colour were found to decrease substantially already after irradiation for 24 hours. The proportion […]
Water samples were taken during the ice-free period in 1991 from Isojoki river in southwestern Finland to study seasonal and local variations of the water chemistry of the river. In this paper we have especially concentrated on acidification problems and buffer properties of the river water. Except measurements of pH, alkalinity and other parameters, buffer […]
REDUKTION AV AMMONIUM I LAKVATTEN I SATSVIS BIOLOGISK REAKTOR / Reduction of Ammonium in Leachate in a Sequenced Batch Reactor
Fågelmyran municipal landfill site, situated some ten kilometers north of Borlänge, Sweden, is run by Borlänge Energi AB. Leachate generated at the landfill is conveyed to the municipal wastewater treatment plant. Treatment is costly, inefficient and may affect the sludge quality negatively. Borlänge Energi decided to investigate the treatability of the water using existing facilities […]
ANRIKNING AV FOSFOR I STADSREGIONEN EN FOSFORBUDGET FÖR STOCKHOLM 1990 / Accumulation of Phosphorus in Urban Regions – a Phosphorus Balance for Stockholm 1990
Dephosphatation in sewage has reduced the P-loading on the recipients, but has at the same time resulted in an accumulation of P in urban regions. Will this accumulation with time give rise to increased pollution from non-point sources of P? In order to quantify the P turnover in urban regions, a P-balance has been calculated […]
KONSTGJORD INFILTRATION VID EMMABODA VATTENVERK / Artificial Groundwater Recharge at Emmaboda Waterworks
The artificial groundwater recharge has been studied in order to earn knowledge about the processes active in this kind of drinking water production. Water and soil samples were taken from the infiltration basin and analyzed for their content of iron, manganese and organic carbon. The quality of the infiltrating water was rapidly improved with 95 […]
KONTINUERLIGA VARNINGSSYSTEM FÖR FÖREKOMST AV NITRIFIKATIONSHÄMMANDE ÄMNEN I AVLOPP / Warning Systems for the Presence of Nitrification Inhibiting Compounds in Wastewater
The presence of compounds inhibitory to nitrification in sewage treatment is a severe problem when introducing biological nitrogen removal at municipal treatment plants. These compounds often have their origin in industrial wastewaters connected to the municipal sewage works. One way to decrease the risk for inhibition of the nitrifying microflora in the treatment plant is […]