Debatt: Några illustrerande fall i samband med provtagning, analys och utvärdering
Tidigt i min yrkesverksamma karriär hade jag förmånen att bli kollega med en ”läcksökare Stenberg, numer inte längre med oss. Ja, Runo var snarast under flera år mästare i lokalisering or, och spred sitt kunnande mycket generöst. Han brukade ofta återknyta till citatet ovan kompletterande perspektiv i samband med vattenarbete har lärt mig att en […]
Framförhållning behövs för strategisk utveckling av huvudmännens anläggningstillgångar – utkast till ett manifest
A draft manifesto for strategic development and maintenance of pipes in water and wastewater systems is presented. Using five examples from research and development projects and programs for modern asset management in the Swedish water sector, eleven central items are formulated focusing on the need for development of management, staff, planning, innovation and digitalization. Substantial […]
Denitrifierande bioreaktorer: rening av kväve i lakvatten
Ammonium nitrate-based explosives are the most commonly used explosives in various industries today, including mining, rock quarrying, and tunnel excavation for roads. Studies from the mining industry have, however, shown that up to 28% of the explosives remain undetonated. These undetonated explosives dissolve in water and eventually discharge to nearby surface water and groundwater recipients, […]
Hantering av dagvatten och skyfall med helhetsperspektiv och riskhänsyn – planering för ett hållbart samhälle
As a result of urbanization and climate change, the flood risk in cities is increasing. If the cities are to increase their resilience toward this problem, a change in the planning and handling of stormwater and cloudbursts on a municipal level is a necessity. A master thesis from the fall of 2020 investigated how integration […]
Local scour in rivers due to bridges and natural features. A case study from Rönne river, Sweden
Bridges are important components in many transportation networks often spanning rivers and other water bodies. The failure of a bridge will cause significant direct and indirect economic losses to society. Scouring of the river bed around bridges is a principal mode of bridge failure typically associated with large floods. The risk of such scour may […]
Hur mycket torsk konsumerar mellanskarv i byfjorden?
We have measured the length of otoliths from cod in 76 pellets regurgitated by cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis), collected from the small island Ringburen in the By Fjord which is part of the fjord system between the Orust Island and the mainland. Using a mathematical formula developed in the present paper, we determined the individual […]
Simulering av avloppsflöden med regndata från mobiltelefonnät i Stockholm
Municipal water utilities often only have access to a sparse network of rain gauges (ca. 10 in Stockholm). With sparse networks there is a risk to under- or overestimate sewer flow calculations when showers pass between gauges, or when a spatially concentrated shower hits a gauge. Moreover, significant resources are required to keep the gauge […]