HUSHÅLLENS ANDEL AV FÖRORENINGAR TILL RYAVERKET- TILLFÖRSEL FRÅN TVÅ BOSTADSOMRÅDEN I GÖTEBORG / Priority Pollutants, Heavy Metals and Main Constituents in the Domestic Sewage from two Residential Areas in Gothenburg
A program to chart the sources for undesirable contaminants in the influent water to Ryaverket was started in 1988. Stage one was a study of domestic sewage. Two residential areas in Gothenburg were chosen and sewage water was collected on four occasions during the year, as 24 h flow proportional samples. These were analysed together […]
The present eutrophic status of Lake Eastern Ringsjön in Southern Sweden can be predicted using a simple mass balance model based on 2 trophic levels. The system was modelled using growth and mortality kinetics for fish and plankton, and sediment-fish-water interactions. The model predicts the transition to eutrophic lake from a stable oligotrophic state in […]
The stability of an accumulated lime sludge after termination of lime addition was investigated at the Funäsdalen wastewater pond system in Sweden. The lime addition was terminated for 53 h and then resumed. pH decreased from approximately 12.0 to a maximum of 7.0 at the inlet and 10.0 at the outlet end of the ponds. […]
Sludge accumulation techniques in pond systems for wastewater treatment, particularly those using chemical precipitation, were reviewed. The chemical sludge at Bruksvallarna treatment plant, a ten year old chemical precipitation pond using alum (AVR), was investigated with respect to volume and content of total solids and its volatile fraction. The volume of the primary sludge was […]
FULLSKALEFÖRSÖK MED BIOLOGISK FOSFOR- OCH KVÄVEAVSKILJNING VID DALBY AVLOPPSRENINGSVERK / Full-scale Investigation with Biological Phosphorus and Nitrogen Removal at Dalby Wastewater Treatment Plant
Biological phosphorus and nitrogen removal has been implemented in full-scale at the wastewater treatment plant in Dalby. An investigation of the performance of the process has been conducted during the later half of 1990 and the beginning of 1991. The results from the investigation show that is possible to run a combined biological phosphorus and […]
PILOTFÖRSÖK MED KOMBINERAD BIOLOGISK FOSFOR OCH KVÄVEAVSKILJNING / Pilot Plant Studies of Combined Biological Phosphorus and Nitrogen Removal
In november 1990 a new pilot plant for combined biological phosphorus and nitrogen removal was started up at Sjölunda sewage treatment plant in Malmö. So far (May 1991) the pilot plant studies have been focused on simultaneous phosphate uptake and denitrifikation. The results clearly show that it is possible to induce phosphate accumulating bacteria, under […]
INVERKAN AV NITRAT, SUBSTRAT OCH SYRE PÅ SYSTEM FÖR BIOLOGISK FOSFORAVSKILJNING / Influence of Nitrate, Substrate and Oxygen on Biological Phosphorus Removal Systems
In november 1990 a new pilot plant for combined biological phosphorus- and nitrogen removal was started up at Sjölunda sewage treatment plant in Malmö. As a complement to the investigations in the pilot plant, laboratory tests were carried out in cooperation with Sjölunda during the autumn and winter 1990-91. The aims of this work were: […]
DYNAMISKA PILOTSKALEFÖRSÖK MED OLIKA FOSFORBELASTNINGAR I EN BIOLOGISK FOSFORAVSKILJNINGSPROCESS / Dynamical Pilot-scale Experiments with Different Phosphorus Loadings in a Biological Phosphorus Removal Process
Experiments with three different phosphorus loadings have been conducted in pilot-scale. During an experimental period of 24 hour with normal loading the effluent concentration of PO4-P was stabile around 0.1 mg/1. The results show that even if the phosphorus loading is increased up to four times or if 60 % of a 24 h load […]
BIOLOGISK FOSFORAVSKILJNING, HISTORIK, MEKANISM OCH FRAMTID, Biological Phosphorus Removal, History, Mechanism and Future
In this paper the historical background to the process biological phosphorus removal is presented. The biochemical mechanism and future research work are discussed. Sammanfattning I föreliggande artikel presenteras den historiska bakgrunden till processen biologisk fosforavskiljning. Processens biokemiska mekanism och framtida FoU arbete diskuteras.
CHEMICAL PRECIPITATION IN PONDS FOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT Influence of Detention Time on the Separation of Phosphorus and Organic Matter
The use of pond systems for wastewater treatment is reviewed, especially with respect to the use of chemical precipitation. A field study was conducted at the pond system of Funäsdalen where lime is added to the wastewater. The removal of organic matter (CODCr) and phosphorus was investigated during a range of well-controlled wastewater detention times. […]