Open access portal with hindcast wave data for Skåne and Halland
Wave climate data for the Swedish provinces Skane and Halland, were hindcast using SWAN, a third-generation spectral wave model. The 40-year wave dataset, from 1979 to 2019, is made available through an open-access data portal ( The wave data has a three-hour resolution and includes significant wave height, peak wave period, and wave direction. The […]
Circular bio-economy – review of scientific journal publications with focus on wastewater treatment
A circular bioeconomy is one in which waste streams from the processing of renewable bio-resources are looped back into the technosphere – open-loop or closed-loop recycling or conversion from matter to energy. This systematic review brings together a small set of 46 publications from the period 2016 – 2021, sourced from 28 journals and originating […]
Kejsarens nya dagvattensystem
Missförstånd och ineffektiva arbetssätt hindrar en hållbar och säker dagvattenhantering i Sverige. Det kommer bli svårt att nå målen om en förbättrad vattenmiljö och minskade skador till följd av översvämningar om vi inte börjar uppmärksamma detta och hantera de problem som faktiskt finns. Jag är rädd att vi ser det vi vill se och missar […]
Diklofenak spårat i många svenska vatten – nu behövs det åtgärder på flera nivåer
Data compiled by Svenskt Vatten show that in recent years, the levels of diclofenac measured in Swedish lakes, streams and coastlines have exceeded the limits for good ecological status in 18 locations. There is a risk that the limit will be exceeded in an additional 109 Swedish water bodies. Thus, the prevalence of diclofenac is […]
Effects of population growth and water scarcity in the MENA countries
Water shortage is a problem in the Middle East and Northern Africa (MENA). The population growth is estimated to be high. Given the hydrological situation and the estimated huge population growth, people will try to escape from poverty and conflicts. To counteract these effects, resources must be allocated to implement more efficient use of the […]
Tidig utveckling av en kvalificerad vattenvård i Sverige, vid sötvattenslaboratoriet på Lovön
When did the concerned water environment protection started in Sweden? The question is of course not easily responded. In this essay an important cornerstone is chosen: The year 1930. The chosen time contains two important invents in the Swedish water protection history: The City of Stockholm decides the location and construction of the main wastewater […]
The local water laboratory – an asset, or something to dispose? / Det lokala vattenlaboratoriet – en tillgång, eller värt att avveckla?
The modern use of water for various needs result in a complex polluted wastewater. The needs to purify the used water will by time deepen into more demanding questions. The needs for an efficient and on-site control will thus become more and more pronounced. This paper focuses on the importance to have an efficient laboratory […]