TO ENTEROPATOGENE BAKTERIER SOM KAN OVERFØRES MED DRIKKEVANN I NORGE: YERSINIA ENTEROCOLITICA OG CAMPYLOBACTER JEJUNI/ CAMPYLOBACTER COLI / Two Enteropathogenic Bacteria which can be Transmitted with Drinking Water in Norway: Yersinia enterocolitica and Campylobacter jejuni/Campylobacter coli
Yersinia enterocolitica og Campylobacter jejuni/Campylobacter coli er to enteropatogene bakterier som kan overføres med drikkevann. Y. enterocolitica og Y. enterocolitica-lignende bakterier er vanlige overalt i vårt miljø, i dyr, vann og matvarer. Den medisinske betydning er knyttet til noen få serotyper, i Skandinavia særlig serotype 0:3. Svinekjøttprodukter regnes for å være den viktigste smittekilden. Y. […]
VIDEREGÅENDE RENSNING AF DRIKKEVAND – DENITRIFIKATION / Advanced Purification of Drinking Water – Denitrification
Water treatment in Denmark is generally based on unpolluted groundwater, where aeration and rapid sand filtration normally suffice. The growing threat of pollution has prompted the industry to investigate into advanced treatment processes. Some unpolluted groundwater resources are difficult to treat. Processes presently in use include stripping, chemical precipitation, biological nitrification, whereas chemical oxydation with […]
FJERNING AV HUMUS / Removal of Humic Substances
Due to aesthetical, organoleptic, health related as well as economical and practical reasons, humic substances constitutes a quality problem in drinking water. About 50 % of the Norwegian waterworks exceed the quality standards related to colour. A great effort has been made to find alternatives to the traditional way of humic substance removal, coagulation followed […]
This paper deals with ground water acidification and its effect on water supplies in rural areas. The aim was to find solutions to problems caused by ground water acidity. Applications and methods still under development on neutralization techniques adapted for individual use were studied. Insufficient research has been carried out on the necessary filtration systems. […]
UPPLAGRING OCH UTTRANSPORT AV FÖRORENINGAR FRÅN EN SYDSVENSK RECIPIENT- EN UNDERSÖKNING AV HÖJE Å / Deposition and Out-transport of Pollutants from a Recipient in south Sweden – A Study of the River Höje å
The present study shows that a substantial part of the pollutants transported in a river reach is deposited in the sediments (14-47 %). Especially a large part of the transported heavy metals copper, zinc and lead seem to be deposited (47 % for zinc). Mass-balance studies of different pollutants are verified by sediment samples. The […]
KARTLÄGGNING AV TOTALT SUSPENDERAT MATERIAL FRÅN GLOMMA ÄLVEN MED SATELLIT DATA / Remote Sensing of Total Suspended Matter from the Glomma River in the Skagerrak
In this study remote sensing techniques have been used to quantify total suspended matter (TSM) in the red part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Data from NOAA-AVHRR are used to demonstrate the temporal change of the Glomma river in the northeastern part of the Skagerrak area, whereas LANDSAT-TM shows the detailed spatial coverage. The technique described […]
ETT OPERATIVSYSTEM FÖR MILJÖKONSEKVENSANALYS FÖR AKVATISKA EKOSYSTEM, An Operative System for Environmental Consequence Analysis for Aquatic Ecosystems
The intention with this paper is to present one type of operative system for environmental consequence analysis (ECA) for natural aquatic ecosystems, i.e. lakes, rivers and marine areas. The operative system consists of two parts: (1) a ”note system” for ECA, i.e., the scientific framework and concepts and (2) the ”instruments”, i.e., the tools which […]
BRÄDDNING – ETT FÖRORENINGSPROBLEM? / Overflow- a Pollution Problem?
A large number of measurements and field studies on the quality of combined sewer overflow discharge quality have been carried out during the recent years. These measurements indicate that commonly used calculation methods for determining the pollution load from combined sewer overflows may greatly underestimate the actual load. This is due to the fact that […]
Successful treatment of leachates is often found to be difficult with respect to COD and nutrient removal. This paper presents the results of pilot plant tests carried out in situ at the sanitary landfill, Bösarp, operated by the city ofVarberg. The tests were performed by means of SBR-technics. The results have been very encouraging with […]
ERFARENHETER FRÅN PILOTFÖRSÖK FÖR LÅNGTGÅENDE KVÄVEREDUKTION OCH FOSFORREDUKTION I DANMARK / Experiences from Pilot Tests in Denmark for Efficient Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal
The demand in Denmark for efficient wastewater treatment has increased dramatically lately. Before 1993 most wastewater treatment plants must meet the effluent quality demand 15 mg/1 BOD, 8 mg/l nitrogen and 1.5 mg/1 phosphorus. This means that the nitrogen removal has to be in the order of 70-80 % also at low wastewater temperatures (6-7°C). […]