Renat avloppsvatten som råvattenkälla / Wastewater reclamation for potable use
Ground water shortage is an increasing problem, and for communities where the raw water consist of ground water, droughts can cause severe problems. One approach to solve the decreased groundwater resources is to utilize the potential in the sewage water. One village which has faced problems in the drinking water production in the past years […]
Teologi och hydrolog – en essä om människans förhållande till vatten i forntiden / Theology and hydrology – an essay on the human relation to water in ancient times
The paper presents a short overview on what historical documents and archeological findings tell us on how humanity has regarded and used water during the period 5000 – 500 BC. The most important conclusions are that water and water use to a large extent has defined societal development and controlled but with time also been […]
Utredning kring val av varaktighet vid skyfallskarteringar / Investigation of the choice of rain duration’s impact on urban flood mapping
Utredning kring val av varaktighet vid skyfallskarteringar / Investigation of the choice of rain duration’s impact on urban flood mapping As a result of intensive cloudbursts, runoff creates pluvial flooding. The risk for more extensive flooding increases in urban areas where a majority of the land use consists of impervious areas. At the same time, […]
Om vattnets förunderliga kraft / On the fascinating waterpower
The history reflected in water may reveal both fundamental and sometimes astonishing insights. In this short essay we meet two Swedish very experienced engineers, both also representing a humanistic profile. The first one to meet is the late professor Bo Hellstrom, at the Royal Institute of Technology. As a young engineer he was intrigued by […]
Investigating the state of rural water supply in rio grande do sul, brazil / Om tillståndet för landsbygdens vattenförsörjning i rio grande do sul, brasilien
In Rio Grande do Sul (RS) in Brazil, more than one million residents rely on small-scale water supply solutions without conventional treatment. This study aimed to investigate water services in rural areas of RS through case studies and interviews with authorities, researchers and support organizations within RS. Microbiological contamination is widespread, while non-compliant fluoride levels […]
En undersökning av skelettjordskonstruktioner med hydraulisk modellering i MIKE URBAN+ / An investigation of structural soils using hydraulic modeling in MIKE URBAN+
Urbanization with growing and denser cities in combination with climate change requires a smart land use with multifunctional facilities. One such example is structural soils that have a bearing capacity to handle loads, create favorable conditions for trees and handle stormwater with purification and delay. In this study, interviews with municipal employees have been conducted […]
Projekthandboken VA
The investment rate in Sweden’s public water and wastewater systems have increased in recent years due to an increased need for renewal and replacements of older systems, as well as for new investments in pipe systems, pumping stations, water works, and water treatment plants. In 2017 about 12 billion SEK was invested in the public […]
Forecasting combined sewer flow using x-band radar with a neural network – a case study in Lund
This study aimed to forecast combined sewer flow into a wastewater treatment plant in Lund, Sweden by using uncalibrated X-band radar data with a neural network. Neural networks have proved themselves useful in the field of forecasting as they can solve multiple kinds of problems and recognise patterns in the data as well as model […]