The occurrence of copper, zinc, lead, cadmium and chromium in water distributed by Finnish waterworks was investigated in 1983. The volume of water from the 55 waterworks investigated covers 67 % of the total volume of public water supplied in Finland. The total number of water samples was 863. The possible connection between the occurrence […]
A mixed wastewater from different food-processing industries has been treated in two pilot-scale aerated submerged biological filters. Plastic media with specific surface areas of 140 m2/m3 and 230 m2/m3, respectively, were used. A maximum volumetric removal rate in excess of 15 kg COD/m3d was obtained with the 230 m2/m3filter medium. In order to perform properly […]
UTSLÄPP AV FOSFOR OCH KVÄVE VIA DAGVATTEN FRÅN TÄTORTER Exempel från Mjölby vid Svartån / Discharge of Phosphorus and Nitrogen with Storm Water
The result of a part of the studies of the transport of nitrogen and phosphorus to the Svartå river within the Motala Ström river basin is given. The amount of nutrients transported to the river with the storm water from the city of Mjölby has been estimated. By maps and field investigations the size of […]
SJÖN TREKANTEN EFTER RESTAURERING / Lake Trekanten – after Restoration
Lake Trekanten has during the 20th century developed into a heavily eutrophicated state. The lake has served as a recipient for combined sewer overflow water. This outlet ceased in 1961. In order to prevent the internal fertilizing process which leads to enhanced primary production the sediment was treated in accordance with the ”Riplox Method”, i.e. […]
SJÖRESTAURERINGAR I STOCKHOLM / Lake Restorations in Stockholm
The working group for lake restoration was established in Stockholm in 1972. It started by examining the preconditions for restoration measures in 16 lakes and catchment areas, and went on to select seven priority lakes where measures should be taken. Since then, restoration work has proceeded, sometimes in co-operation with neighbouring municipalities. Among the various […]
The Stockholm archipelago has been used as a receiver for waste water for several decades. During 1968-73 the waste water treatment was improved, after which the phosphorus load significantly decreased. Since 1970 concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus and other hydrographical parameters were measured along the eutrophication gradient from Stockholm. Quantification of cyanobacteria and chlorophyll a were […]
BROMMA RENINGSVERKS UTLOPP TILL SALTSJÖN-SALTSJÖTUNNELN / The Outlet from the Bromma Sewage Treatment Plant to the Sea – a Full Face Tunnel Boring Project
Bromma sewage treatment plant for 260,000 persons has its outlet in Lake Mälaren, which also serves the greater Stockholm region as a source of drinking water. The erection of a heat pump 4 km from the plant has opened the possibility to choose another more suitable receiving water in the sea outside Stockholm. The heat […]
NY STYR- OCH ÖVERVAKNINGSANLÄGGNING FÖR HENRIKSDALS RENINGSVERK, New Control and Monitoring Plant for Henriksdal Water Treatment Plant
Henriksdal Sewage Treatment Plant is designed to serve approximately 725,000 p.e., and is thus Sweden’s largest. In order to be able to meet the increasingly stringent demands for treatment and control of the different processes, preliminary studies have been conducted in joint consultation between invited suppliers the staff of the plant. The objective of the […]
BROMMA RENINGSVERK – ERFARENHETER AV RENING FÖRSTA ÅRET EFTER OMBYGGNAD / Bromma Sewage Treatment Plant – Experiences from the Treatment during the First Year after Reconstruction
After the Bromma sewage treatment plant was enlarged and reconstructed, the operation of the plant has been improved. Temporary requirements concerning the effluent are applied today until the final decision of the environmental authorities. The requirements are presented below together with the appropriate result from 1985. It is rather difficult to reach a complete nitrification […]
OMBYGGNADER AV BROMMA RENINGSVERK ÅREN 1980-1984 / Bromma Wastewater Treatment Plant – Conversions during the Period 1980-1984
Bromma Wastewater Treatment Plant, which serves the western part of Stockholm, comprises two units: the Åkeshov plant and the Nockeby plant. Today, mechanical and chemical treatment takes place at Åkeshov, accompanied by sludge treatment, while the biological treatment is carried out at the Nockeby plant. At the beginning of the 1980’s considerable conversion and extension […]