Assessment of drinking water treatment using Moringa Oleifera natural coagulant / Värdering av Moringa Oleifera för fällning av dricksvatten
In this study, a comparison between Moringa Oleifera MO and aluminium sulphate was conducted for coagulation of turbide water using jar test. The optimum coagulant dosage was investigated for different levels of turbidity, and the impact on treated water properties monitored. Use of MO together with direct filtration was also investigated.
Coagulation with aluminium sulphate led to more efficient treatment but MO could also produce water of acceptable quality. On the other hand, treatment with MO did not change the chemistry of treated water and was more efficient for high initial turbidities. Highest removal efficiencies were obtained when MO was extracted using tap water as compared to distilled water and oil extraction. Coagulation with aluminium, followed by direct filtration led also to better performances but in both cases the treated water met WHO water guidelines. Prolonged sedimentation helped improve MO treatment efficiency for low initial turbidities.
MO is found to be a sustainable solution for coagulation in drinking water treatment. The possibilities of using MO together with direct filtration are good and provide a realistic alternative to conventional methods for small to medium size water supplies.