ÅTGÄRDSPLAN FÖR VATTENLEDNINGSNÄTET / Master Plan for the Water Distribution Network
The water network in Gothenburg has a length of 1,530 km and consists mainly of cast iron pipes. The pipes are up to 100 years old and the biggest diameters are 1,200 mm. To establish the need for reinvestments during the next 10 to 15 years, a master plan has been worked out, setting out from an established service level concerning delivery capacity, fire-water capacity, water quality and delivery security. A description of the function of the water network together with a detailed analysis of breaks and disturbances during the last five years has given the basis for an estimation of the reinvestments needed. The main fields of reinvestment will be
– elimination of quality problems, mainly consisting of elevated iron content in some 50 areas of the local network – upgrading the delivery security, especially on the bigger pipes carrying water from the two water works. “Complete abstract not presented.”