BIOLOGISKA DAMMAR SOM POLERINGSSTEG VID RENINGSVERKET I LUND / Oxidation Ponds as Polishing Process at the Wastewater Treatment Plant in Lund
The demands on the Swedish wastewater treatment plants have increased dramatically during the last decades. As a consequence more complicated processes are used today. Also, in order to reduce the capital costs there has been a tendency to use as small process volumes as possible, i.e. the volumetric loads used have increased. Therefore, the treatment stability is not always as good as it ought to be and chock-loads etc. can cause disturbances. For many receiving waters however, the stability is a more important factor than the mean concentration of pollutants in the effluent. The wastewater treatment plant in Lund is a conventional plant with primary and biological treatment followed by chemical post-precipitation. The effluent is then passing oxidation ponds, with a mean retention time of 3-4 days. In the ponds suspended solids are effectively removed. Phosphorus is also removed; the effect varies depending on the time of the year. “Complete abstract not presented.”