BRA YTVATTEN KAN GE BRA DRICKSVATTEN TROTS HÖG TEMPERATUR Driftsuppföljning av den varma sommarens påverkan på dricksvattenkvaliteten i Göteborg 1994 / High Quality Surface Water can be used for High Quality Drinking Water in Spite of High Temperature
The summer of 1994 was unusually hoi in Sweden and this caused high temperatures for the raw water and drinking water in Gothenburg. The temperature exceeded 20°C during several weeks. It is well known that temperature has a strong influence on the microbiological activity, but neither the bacterial counts nor the number of taste and odour complaints did increase. Discolouration due to iron corrosion increased slightly in the later parr ofthe summer, bm it was still less than before the alkalinity increase was introduced a couple ofyears earlier as corrosion control. The absence of microbiological decline can probable be explained by the good quality ofthe raw water and that the high temperamre made an excellent removal of organics possible. The results are incouraging to cities withoui possibilities for groundwater based drinking water like Gothenburg.