COMPARISONS OF HYDROGRAPHS FROM A KINEMATIC WAVE MODEL AND TWO DYNAMIC MODELS / Sammenligning av hydrogrammer fra en kinematisk bolgemodell og to dynamiske modeller
This paper describes differences between the urban drainage models MOUSE, EPA-SWMM and NIVANETT, relating to the routing of flows through pipes. NIVANETTs kinematic wave procedure simulates rather similar hydrographs to those of MOUSE, when the conduit lengths are shorter than ca. 500 m and the slope is steeper than ca. 1/1000. Keeping in mind that SWMM uses St. Venants equarions like MOUSE, it is surprising to note rather big differences between those two models when the conduit lengths are longer than ca. 400 m. However, when the slope is ca. 0.5 m/1000 m SWMM‘s hydrographs are definitely closer to MOUSE than NIVANETTs. When the drainage network becomes surcharged the differences between the kinematic wave model and the dynamic models are very significant concerning both the warer levels in the juncuons and the shapes of the hydrographs “Complete abstract not presented.”