DEN SVENSKA VATTENFÖRSÖRJNINGENS SÄKERHET MOT TERRORISM / Water supply security against terrorism in Sweden
The water supply system in Sweden consists mainly of large waterworks supplying most of the inhabitants with drinking water. This makes it an interesting target for terrorism. Along the water’s way from source to subscriber it passes a lot of dangerous spots where an attack is possible.
The biological and chemical threats to the water supply exist in a range from not so dangerous to lethal. The biggest problem is how to detect them. The physical threats are not as critical but can give severe damage and disturb the water supply for a long time.
Visits at selected water works have shown large differences in resources and ambition for the safety. All waterworks does follow the regulations.
Several authorities are involved in the planning and implementation of security measures for the water supply systems in Sweden. The responsibilities are complicated and unclear and the law does not give a good foundation for the security work.