DESIGN AND OPERATION OF A PILOT-SCALE ACTIVATED SLUDGE PLANT / Utformning och drift av en aktivslamanläggning i pilotskala
This paper describes the design and operation of a novel pilot-scale activated sludge plant located at the main municipal wastewater treatment plant in Uppsala, Sweden. The pilot plant consists oftwo separate lines for predenitrification. The main purpose of the plant has been to study new methods for efficient nutrient removal using advanced process technology, applied microbiology and automatic control. Both lines were extensively monitored by on-line instruments and sampling programs. The plant is controlled by an advanced control and supervision system. The user can via a graphical interface operate the plant, control data acquisition, save and plot data, respond to alarms and tune controllers. An overview of conducted experiments including evaluation and control of- different carbon sources, side-stream nitrification and efficient DO control arc also presented.