EU has recently adapted a frame directive for Water. Within three years the present organisation for Water Conservation in Sweden has to be completely restructured. At regional level there will be a number of River Basin Authorities. Agencies for implementation will be organised at local levels and district levels, based on geographically identified river basins. In order to achieve the goals of the directive, a good water quality in all surface, coastal and ground waters of Sweden before 2015, there will be a need for profound peoples’ participation of Agenda 21 model. A number of pilot projects have been running since 1997, collecting experience and knowledge. But very little has been made regarding management on new levels, with unknown borders. People’s participation might be jeopardised and the project may become entirely an authority operation, unless a development of organisations is introduced, based on traditional local Swedish water conservation societies and co-operatives. This will allow for an acceptably short introduction period for the project. Development of the required co-operatives and societies, together with training of staff and entrepreneurs may be financed partly from EU Social Funds.