FISKODLING SOM MILJÖVÅRD? / Can emissions from fish farms be used as a remedial measure for lakes?
This work is based on data collected in the Liming-mercury-cesium project, and is, as far as the authors are aware, the most extensive set of dara collected to evaluate the eutrophication effecrs associated with fish farms in Swedish lakes. The hypothesis to test is whether fish farms raise lake phosphorus concentrations and thereby the production. Extensive studies have been carried out in two lakes, Långsjön in the county of Gävleborg, and Sarvtjärn in the county of Örebro, where phosphorus emissions from rainbow trout fish farms were tested as a measure to reduce high levels of mercury and radiocesium in lake fish (the theory of 2 “biological dilution“). The results clearly indicate that the theorerical, expected rise in total-P-concentrations in the lakes did not occur. Instead, the phosphorus concentration dropped slightly in one lake and increased very little in the other. “Complete abstract not presented.”