FOSFORFLÖDEN OCH EUTROFIERINGSEFFEKTER – KALIBRERINGAR OCH SIMULERINGAR MED LEEDS-MODELLEN I SJÖN SÖDRA BULLAREN / Flows and effects of phosphorus – calibrations and simulations using the LEEDS-model (Lake Eutrophication, Effect-Dose-Sensitivity model) in Lake S. Bullaren, Sweden
The main purpose of this work is to introduce the LEEDS-model (Lake Eurrophication, EfFect-Dose-
icnsitivity-model) using a case srudy for Lake S. Bullaren, Sweden. This lake has been the focus of an agitated debate because there is a fish cage farm for rainbow trout in the lake, which has been accused of “ruining“ the lake. LEEDS is a time-dependent, generic dynamic model which accounts for all major processes regulating the distribution and effects of phosphorus in lakes. The first emphasis in this work was to calibrate the LEEDS-model for Lake S. Bullaren. An important part of the work has been to present the most reliable data on amounts, fluxes and concentrations of phosphorus in the lake, and from those concentrarions predictions of maximum volume of phytoplankton (the target effect variable) on a monthly basis. LEEDS accounts for dissolved and particulare P, stratification, sedimenration, resuspension/advecrion, diffusion, bioturbation, predation, fishing, mixing, mineralizadon, etc., as well as all major inputs of P to the lake (from tribuiaries, precipitation and fish farm emissions). “Complete abstract not presented.”