FOSFORTRANSPORTER SOM UNDERLAG FÖR BESLUT OM ALTERNATIVA LÖSNINGAR FÖR RENING AV AVLOPPSVATTEN FRÅN SPRIDD BEBYGGELSE / Phosphorus transports as basis for deciding alternative solutions to handle waste water from scattered residences
Small drainage areas with a growing but still sparse population often constitute a problem in environment protection work because quantitative data to support decision-making and more long term sewage-handling strategies are lacking. In this study transports strictly measured from water-quality data were compared to transports calculated from landlosses and estimated discharges from an inventory of local sewagetreatment devices, only based on literature data. For phosphorus the two ways of estimation gave almost equal results. This indicates that calculations of phosphorus loadings can be used for planning and decisionmaking concerning discharge of waste water to rivers and lakes. Furthermore, emissions from scattered residences, overflowing sewers and farmland can be perspicuously estimated, if the amount of phosphorus actually transported is known.