FULLSKALEFÖRSÖK MED BIOLOGISK FOSFOR- OCH KVÄVEAVSKILJNING VID DALBY AVLOPPSRENINGSVERK / Full-scale Investigation with Biological Phosphorus and Nitrogen Removal at Dalby Wastewater Treatment Plant
Biological phosphorus and nitrogen removal has been implemented in full-scale at the wastewater treatment plant in Dalby. An investigation of the performance of the process has been conducted during the later half of 1990 and the beginning of 1991. The results from the investigation show that is possible to run a combined biological phosphorus and nitrogen removal process at Dalby wastewater treatment plant The investigation also shows that biological and chemical phosphorus removal perform well together in an after-precipitation system. The stability and the performance of the biological process is to a great extent dependent of a well functioning aerator system. Around 6,000 pe, of which only 10 % are industrial, are connected to the wastewater treatment plant. The diurnal variation of influent wastewater is large both qualitatively and quantitatively. The variations make it hard to obtain an optimal oxygen concentration in the aerated step. “Complete abstract not presented.”