HAAPSALUMODELLEN – EN VISION OM EFFEKTIVARE VATTENRENING PÅ LOKAL OCH REGIONAL NIVÅ / The Haapsalu Model – a Vision of More Efficient Wastewater Treatment on the Local and Regional Level
During the coming years, Sweden is planning to supporr the construction of several modern wastewarer treatment planrs in ihe Baltic States (e.g. Estonia), in order to improve the vast eutrophication ofthe coastal areas and the open Baluc Sea. Minor attendon is taken to the environmental impact of the future wasrewater treatment plant. Although, the lack of knowledge about the local ecosysiem might lead to a less efficient wastewater treatment. It may even lead to a dererioration ofthe problems. A system orientated pilot study has been carried out in the Haapsalu Bay area, western Estonia. Biotic factors (e.g. phytoplankton and bottom fauna) and abiotic factors (e.g. salinky, siticia, ammonium, nitrogen and phosphorus), were studied. “Complete abstract not presented.”