HÅLLBAR LÖSNING ELLER GRÖNT FILTER? Användning av mark-växtsystem för behandling av spillvatten i Sveriges kommuner / Sustainable solution or green end-of-pipe? The use of plant-soil-systems for treatment of sewage water in Swedish municipalities
There are an increasing interest for use of wetlands and irrigation solutions regarding treatment of sewage water in Sweden. The reasons behind this development, and practical consequences of the implementation of these solutions, provide us with characteristics of the changes. To be able to understand the possibilities for sustamable development in Sweden, such results are of importance. From an investigation during 1997, including all Swedish municipalities, we have gathered information about the use of wetlands, as well as irrigation solutions in the municipalities.
From this material it can be concluded that a geographic or demographic condition does not in general influence the choice of wetlands or irrigation, and that the interest for these solutions does not seem to be trigged by the Agenda 21 from Rio 1992. The present use of wetlands can not be described as susrainable, and the implementation of the wetlands is made by enthusiastic individuals working with issues related to waste water treatment. However, these individuals consider wetlands more as a ”green” reduction process than as a recycling method.