Hantering av dagvatten och skyfall med helhetsperspektiv och riskhänsyn – planering för ett hållbart samhälle
As a result of urbanization and climate change, the flood risk in cities is increasing. If the cities are to increase their resilience toward this problem, a change in the planning and handling of stormwater and cloudbursts on a municipal level is a necessity. A master thesis from the fall of 2020 investigated how integration of two principles can contribute to resilience, climate adaptation and risk management in urban areas, by making it more systematic. The principles concern planning and handling of water with respect to catchment area and a smarter urban planning where the land use is based on the suitability of the land. The study presents four key aspects which depend upon each other and together they enable the prerequisites for a sustainable urban planning. These prerequisites, rather than the technical knowledge, are the most crucial factor to achieve a planning and handling of water with respect to the two principles. The strategies behind implemented measures are a result of collaboration, balancing of interest and use of planning instruments. Together they enable planning based on a comprehensive understanding of where and how measures are of most value to result in more flood resilient cities.