HUR FARLIGA ÄR EGENTLIGEN KLORUTSLÄPPEN TILL VATTEN? / How Dangerous are the Discharges of Chlorinated Bleachery Substances in Aquatic Environments?
The aim of this paper has been to discuss some results and experiences that may be drawn from the project »Environment/Cellulose l», sponsored by the National Swedish Environmental Protection Board. The emissions from pulp bleacheries consist of many complex substances, some of which are identified (like dioxins and chlorophenols), most of which are unknown in terms of chemical characteristics and environmental effects. There are many reasons why these emissions should be regarded with great severity. There are threats directed towards the aquatic ecosystem as well as towards man. In the studied areas in the Bothnian Sea and the Baltic, there are clear links between the distribution of EOCl, dioxins, furanes and guaiacoles. Very high EOCl-concentrations (> 1 000 ìg /g organic matter) appear in surficial sediments close to tie industries. No other major sources except the pulp bleacheries have been identified. Only about 0.2 to 2 % of the early discharges of TOCl have been recovered as EOCl in the sediments. “Complete abstract not presented.”