HYDROLYS OCH RECIRKULATION AV KOMPONENTER UR AVLOPPSSLAM SOM NY DISPONERINGS METOD / Hydrolysis and Recycling of Components from Sewage Sludge (as a New Disposal Method)
New legislation in Sweden will lead to the elimlnation of landfills as a disposal method tor sewage sludge and new alternatives are under investigation. By employing thermal hydrolysis and separation techniques the sludge can be split into new components that have a market value which exceeds the value of their use as fertiliser. The process is expected to cost less than the disposal cost using landfills. If the carbon source can be used for denitrification the total cost will be comparable to the cost of agricultural use. The supernatant has a carbon source value equivalent to commercial carbon sources. The organic residue is very easy to dewater and the resultant cake has a high solids content. Metals will dissolve if the hydrolysis is performed at pH <2 and will be reprecipitated if pH increases to >8.9.1. “Complete abstract not presented.”