JORDBRUKSDRIFT OCH KVÄVELÄCKAGE I SÖDRA HALLAND / Agriculture and Nitrogen Leakage in Southern Halland
The southern part of Halland in south-west Sweden constitutes an area with great risk for nitrogen leakage from agricultural land. This is due to high precipitation, sandy soils and intense animal and crop production. The nitrogen transport in the agricultural rivers Trönningeån and Smedjeån is high but has decreased significantly during the 1980s. Decreasing transport from agriculture coincides with increasing transport from forests. In this paper the relation between changes in agricultural practices and water quality is studied. Arable land stands for nearly 90 % of the nitrogen supply to these rivers. During the period 1977-89 the nitrogen transport in Trönningeån has decreased from 150-200 tonnes to less than 100 tonnes per year. Data on crop production and cattle management from agricultural statistics has been used to analyse the developement of agriculture since 1961. “Complete abstract not presented.”