Kan det finnas cyanotoxiner i dricksvatten? / Are there cyanotoxins in the drinking water?
This study aims to preliminarily evaluate changes in the risk of cyanobacterial blooms in a eutrophic lake, Lake Vombsjön, in the southern Sweden and test the role of nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen) in algae formation. Surface water such as lakes service great importance for drinking water supply, such as half of the drinking water in Sweden is from surface water. According to risk matrix, Lake Vombsjön is of high risk of blooms and special attention should be paid in late summer and autumn as the later the blooms occur, the more likely they are cyanobacteria induced. Results confirmed phosphorus control to be the key for controlling cyanobacterial blooms in eutrophic lakes such as Lake Vombsjön as well as keeping N/P ratio (Nitrogen/phosphorus) at certain high level. The most frequent types of cyanobacteria in Lake Vombsjön are Planktothrix agardhii. Pseudanabaena should be monitored. Future work should consider long term pattern analysis, including the hydrodynamic condition in the lake. This work will support harmful algea blooms management in practice.