KEMIKALIEBEHOV VID FOSFORUTVINNING UR AVLOPPSSLAM / Chemical Needs in Phosphorus Recovery from Sewage Sludge
A study concerning recovery of phosphorus from sludges and ashes has been performed as a cooperation project between Stockholm Water Co and the division of Water Resources Engineering at The Royal Institute of Technology. A model for calculation of the chemical demands for recovery of phosphorus using the commercial systems KREPRO, Cambi/KREPRO and BioCon has been produced and applied to different operation conditions at the sewage work Henriksdal in Stockholm, Sweden.
The study indicates high dosage of chemicals using the systems KREPRO, Cambi/KREPRO and BioCon for recovery of phosphorus and precipitation chemicals at present operation conditions at the wastewater treatment plant of Henriksdal. If the operation conditions are changed to biological phosphorus removal the chemical demand will decrease by 50%. A comparison of technology and impact assessment for the phosphorus recovery systems is highly dependent on the composition of the sludge, the raw material to recovery of- phosphorus, and different local conditions.