KOMBINERAD BIOLOGISK FOSFOR- OCH KVÄVEAVSKILJNING STUDIER I PILOTSKALA / Combined Biological Phosphorus and Nitrogen Removal. Pilot Plant Studies
Combined biological phosphorus and nitrogen removal is being studied in a cooperative project involving the Department of Water and Environmental Engineering at Lund Institute of Technology and Sjölunda sewage treatment plant in Malmö. The project aims at finding out the lowest effluent concentrations of phosphorus and nitrogen that can be obtained in a combined process. The investigation was commenced in February 1992, and it takes place in a pilot plant, built and financed by the city of Malmö, at the Sjölunda treatment plant. The National Board for Industrial and Technical Development (NUTEK) is financing the department’s research in the field of biological phosphorus removal. The investigation will probably last for more than one year. Nevertheless the results from the first three months are very promising: the effluent concentrations of total phosphorus and nitrogen (unfiltered samples) were 0.3 and 7.4 mg/l respectively, as an average.