KONSTEN ATT VÄRDERA VATTEN Ett exempel från Motala Ströms avrinningsområde / On the valuation of water resources A pilot study in the Motala River Basin
According to stipulations in the Water Framework Directive economic analyses of water use in different sectors are required. The aim is to assess the possibilities to reach the targets for water quality by 2015 at reasonable costs, and to develop cost-effective programs for restoration and management that will be part of the management plans in 2009. By 2010 pricing of water services should give full coverage of costs. A pilot study in the Motala River Basin has shown, that for the implementation of the Directive there is a need of tools by which large amounts of data can be coordinated. Information about socio-economic conditions is now collected mainly on a municipal or county basis, while data on hydrology and substance flows are organised on a catchment level. We also need a set of general estimations of various types of costs that are not too site specific. Further, reliable forecasts of future development are demanded, both for society (demography, economic growth, environmental policy, CAP, …) and for global climate changes. Finally, the issue of public participation should be considered