När avloppet blev ideologi Diskussionen om spillvattenlösningar i Skurups kommun 1970–1982 / When sewerage was ideology Discussion of wastewater treatment localization in the municipality of Skurup 1970–1982
Local politics can be complicated. However, the construction of a wastewater treatment plant is very seldom a topic for disputes. But in the case of Skurup municipality, Sweden, it grew to become an issue that took 12 years to settle. The local council discussed whether the sewerage water should be treated in a new plant situated in the municipality, or led in a pipe to the neighbouring city of Ystad, some 30 km east of Skurup. In this paper, the different technical and political arguments for the two solutions are presented and the dwindling road to the final solution is described. It could not be settled inside the local council of Skurup, but was finally forced upon it through a decision in the National board for environmental concession. The decision said that since the recipient, the Baltic Sea, would be more damaged if the treated wastewater would be led out in two pipes
Instead of in one, the municipality of Skurup was not allowed to build its own wastewater treatment plant.