ÖRESUNDSVERKET – SLAMBEHANDLING / Öresundsverket – Sludge Treatment
The sludge treatment system at Oresundsverket in Helsingborg has been invesrigated primarily in order to assess the amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus that are recirculated within the wasrewater trearment plant. Through mass balances, it was possible to calculate the amount of recirculated phosphorus to jusi over 20 % elated to the inflow, and the amounr of recirculated nkrogen ro about 20 %. Most of the recirculated nitrogen is supplied from the supernatant of the centrifuges, and most of the recirculaied phosphorus originates from ,ie thickener for primary sludge or from filter reject. The phosphorus removal at Oresundsverket is composed ofbiological phosphorus removal and simukaneous precipitation. More, but not much, dissolved phosphorus could be noticed in ihe thickener for bio-P-sludge than in the thickener for sludge from simultaneous precipitaton. “Complete abstract not presented.”