RÖRLIGA BÄRARMATERIAL FÖR BIOLOGISK AVLOPPSVATTENRENING – EN SAMMANSTÄLLNING AV DRIFTSERFARENHETER / Moving bed carriers for biological wastewater treatment – A summary of experiences
A large number of biological processes have been developed to meet different needs since the early forms of the trickling filter and the activated sludge process were introduced. One of the goals developing new processes often was to increase the total amount ofbiomass in the process. In several of these new processes, the surfaces of suspended carriers are being used for bacterial growth in the biological reactor.
The most extreme process in which moving bed material is used is the fluidised bed. In this process e.g. sand is used, which is fluidised by applying a high upflow velocity. This creates a very high surface area per reactor volume for biological growth (1000-3500 m2/m3), which makes the use ofhigh loads possible. More common in Sweden, however, is to use larger carriers in e.g. aeration basins. “Complete abstract not presented.”