SAMORDNAD RECIPIENTKONTROLL (SRK) – GÄLLER BÅDE LAND OCH VATTEN / Monitoring programmes for Swedish waste receiving waters is concerned with both land and water
The monitoring programmes for Swedish waste receiving waters are designed according to conditions existing 40-50 years ago. Today there is a strong need to renew these programmes. They don’t include information about changes in primary pollution load, which means that cause and effect can’t be studied. In addition, a lot of unnecessary monitoring is performed in ”pure” waters, in waters having identical quality, and in waters having a constant pollution load. A number of non-relevant variables are analysed. In order to improve the chemical part of the programmes the interest has to be focused more on the catchment area, with a continuous control of the pollution sources, and the discharges from these sources. Knowing changes in primary pollution load makes it possible to evaluate changes in water quality, taking also changes due to variation in weather conditions into consideration. Thus this monitoring is concerned with both land and water. Some examples of unnecessary monitoring are presented with aim to make it easier to understand what can be done to increase the effectiveness of the programmes. The renewal of the control programmes suggested is in accordance with the
intentions of the EU Water Framework Directive.